a few questions on diff fish


Fish Fanatic
Sep 9, 2003
Reaction score
Redcar, North East England (U.K)
hi, this might not be the correct place but i have a few questions if anyone can give any advice on them.

I have two african dwarf frogs in my tank and no matter what food i put in i never see them eat, does anyone have any advice on these, i am feeding them live bloodworms and frozen one's but the fish seem to eat them first, i've tried using a turkey baster but they never eat them (the worms not the turkey baster lol), they seem fine though and i've heard they can go ten days without food but would really feel at ease if i see them eat at least once :)

secondly i have had to take a blue cobalt gourami back to the lfs cause he turned on my angle fish and started eating their fins just behind the angels mouth, anyone ever had a problem with gouramis before? the reason i didnt re arrange the furniture in the tank is because i am overstocked so it was also an oppertunity to cut down. Will the angle fish's fins grow back?

I have now lost one gourami due to swim bladder prob, one to a big horrible cyst on the side of his mouth and the one i had to take back, are gourami's usually this tempremental? or could i just have had bad luck?
I'll also add during all of this i am treating my tank for white spot at the moment could the fact i have ick and a tank thats just compleated the cycle about three weeks ago caused this.

sorry for the long post just feeling a bit confused with things, i've tried doing everything to the letter with setting up etc but getting a bit frustrated with these small probs.

thanks for reading
The only thing I can tell you is that my african dwarf frogs are good about eating whatever happens to fall to the bottom. Maybe enough isnt falling to the bottom for them? Try feeding a little bit extra, so a few more flakes have time to fall to the bottom.
Also I'm not sure what type of gouramis you have, my only experience is with dwarf gouramis. I do know that if you put males together, they will fight.
My dwarfs were very aggressive.
thanks for the reply, i have dwarf gourami's and your post explains the prob i had, thanks i will try using some jmc pellets i have for the plecs for the frogs i've tried fozen blood worm but that just seems to float
Gouramis are extremely temperamental, not to say aggressive fish. I've always been told they are completely incompatible with angelfish (as you sadly discovered) but some people say some gouramis would be OK. I wouldn't like to chance it with my pearl gouramis!

Generally with gouramis you need a tank where they're the boss - so that means no cichlids, no aggressive mollies, no red tailed sharks or bettas and certainly no other gouramis! They are best kept either alone or with a mate. I used to have four pearl gouramis in my 30 gallon but now I'm down to a pair (one died and one had to go back to the LFS), despite pearls supposedly being the most docile. Dwarf gouramis are the most aggressive, by reputation.

Despite breathing air, gouramis can be very sensitive to water quality problems. I suspect its the delicate fins. Good luck with the angelfish - I'm sure he'll recover in time.

As for your frogs, try feeding sinking shrimp pellets just before lights out.
not sure if I have my maths right, but that seems I hell of a lot of stock in a 96litre tank :crazy:

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