A Few Pics Of My Oddballs


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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just whilst I; snap happy may as well share them on here

my retic ray

my albino oscars

my fire eel

my ornate bichir

my clown knife


L25 Scarlet plec
Nice fish:) think my favourite#s the ornate and the fire eel. Colouration is awsome:)

the tank isn;t big enough as it happens but I;m in middle of big change around sold all my tanks bar three with another going next week and one small one staying in my sons room

its only a 60x30x24 but will do for now, theres plenty of space in the tank for a good while yet and as I am serious about keeping the rays I may sell the oscars (begrudgingly) which would free up a little space
the water quality is good the fish are happy and feed well so I;ll keep an eye on space but this is prettymuch the fish combination I want to remain with til the end of their days so I will buy a bigger tank to suit them
You have a wonderful selection of fish there. The fire eel is a beauty and love your ornate.

Just love the tangle of reedfish too :)
what an awesome collection of fish, I bet the tank is stunning to watch.

They are all beautiful fish, but I dont think I have ever seen such a stunning plec, he looks really healthy & happy. :good:
what an awesome collection of fish, I bet the tank is stunning to watch.

They are all beautiful fish, but I dont think I have ever seen such a stunning plec, he looks really healthy & happy. :good:

he is and was my dream fish when I got him but I have a big decision to make as to whether I keep him or not, hes in a different tank which is going and he;ll have to go in the bigger tank. Not sure if he'll get all the food he should in there amd I;d have to watch him with the ray

The more think about making sure other fish get food the more I think I;ll have to sell the Oscars on . Was trying to feed the ray last night and nearly lost my fingers from the oscars lol who are just obsessive over food, fortunately the ray takes from my hand although hes a bit clumsy and the oscars and eel lie in wait to nick what he misses!!
Decisions, Decisions.... it can be so hard to decide what to keep. Be a shame if you have to sell the Plec and the Oscars, as they are beautiful specimens.

With the O's is there someone else who could feed them at one end of the tank while you feed the ray? get them into that regime and they might be ok? (maybe your kiddie? my son loves feeding any fish that will also try to eat his fingers.)
Decisions, Decisions.... it can be so hard to decide what to keep. Be a shame if you have to sell the Plec and the Oscars, as they are beautiful specimens.

With the O's is there someone else who could feed them at one end of the tank while you feed the ray? get them into that regime and they might be ok? (maybe your kiddie? my son loves feeding any fish that will also try to eat his fingers.)

good idea!!!!! now why did I not think of that. To be honest it would be a tough decision cos only last night I was watching the oscars thinking how cool they looked. I've been enjoying my tank again now more since I changed it to sand and rescaped it a little plus removing the flagtail and shoal of silver dollers has made it look more peaceful
Hope it works!

Have you tried re-introducing the reedfish yet?
Hope it works!

Have you tried re-introducing the reedfish yet?

i put the two smallest in a couple of days ago and no problems so I;ll put the two larger ones in later. fingers crossed!!!
Oooh good luck.

How are your Oscars with the reeds? An oscar I used to have contributed to the death of my 1st reedfish - it kept trying to eat it's head :blink:

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