A Double Headed Fry!?!?

nice picture misscosmo don't be put of by in breeding your guppy's/ only breed from your best fish.
btw Cooking salt is way better than kitchen salt.

poor breeding stock is normally down to fish being kept in unfavourable conditions its not all down to genetics as you seem to think.

I clean my 2ft tank out about once every 3-6 month then test it when its warmed up and i'm ready to put the fish back in all is the same except the carbon obviously. It was cooking salt i just checked after reading your post :lol: got it abit wrong.
my fish are from the best aqua shop around sheffield that i can find. It's a shop called aqua hobby they have now moved to attercliffe but i still get my fish from there i recently purchased a sailfin plec from there.
My plec is doing great i did put 2/4 of a small frezze dried tubifex worm block in last night before turning the lights out.

Sounds like your friend has problems with bad water quality if fry turn out OK in your tank.I would recomment not giving your friend any more fry or fish till she sorts out her toxic tank problem. That high death rate is not normal or acceptable even for an inexperienced fishkeeper.Poor fish are doomed otherwise.
If you want to raise fry there's no need to buy expensive tanks. Those cheap plastic crates with lids you can get for £3-9 depending on size from Poundstretcher type places and hardware shops make great fry/quarantine/hospital tanks at pocketmoney prices.Just put your heater and filter inside as you would with a glass tank (you may need to cut slot in lid for electric wires)

I've raised lots of healthy fry with no problems -maybe I've been lucky but I put it down to frequent (ar least twicw weekly) water changes NOT every two months. Even my established community livebearers and cichlid tanks get a weekly 50%water change and sometimes mid week too.

Thanks for the advice and i was going to start a new post but i thought better of it and thought about asking this in this one as it is about guppies.
I purchased 4 new guppies 1 male and 3 females. I noticed 1 of the females was holding all but her side fins clamped, i can't see anything wrong with her as i sat watching her for ages in the shop she has no redness or inflamed gills or anus. No marks shes not acting strange just holding her fins clamped she is interacting with the rest.
I might just be overeacting but i wanted to make sure she is OK. Could there be something wrong with her?
just keep a eye on it probably needs to adapt to your water conditions

Thanks i noticed this morning when feeding them that she was flicking against one of the ornaments but not very much she only flicked about 2 times and she looked just perfect i will try to get a pic of her.

Edit:If a pic would help. :)
I fed them live enriched brine shrimp today.
Talk about a feeding frenzy!!
Could the reason that the fry grow up deformed in her tank also be partly down to the fact that i use de-chlorinator and she doesn't?.
Could the reason that the fry grow up deformed in her tank also be partly down to the fact that i use de-chlorinator and she doesn't?.
her deformed fish are not down to not using de-chlorinator

however that would give her bad water....and most likly kill of the good bacteria in her tank.....
Could the reason that the fry grow up deformed in her tank also be partly down to the fact that i use de-chlorinator and she doesn't?.
her deformed fish are not down to not using de-chlorinator

however that would give her bad water....and most likly kill of the good bacteria in her tank.....

So is using de-chlorinator a good thing or a bad thing. My new females are all pregnant 1 of them (the 1 that is no longer clamping fins but still flicks every now and then) is starting to isolate herself from the other fish and swim up and down in 1 corner of the tank. She is not squared of yet and is the thinnest pregnant 1 but also the smallest. Her birthing tube isn't open yet.
Oooooh noooooo not the "does not using declore kills bacteria" can of worms lol.

and thats ment to mean??



Nothing meant bi it, but have read various issues for and against :)
There are many very experienced fish keepers who believe there is no need to use a dechlorinator for regular water changes. I do not agree with them, but they keep their fish successfully over long periods of time. The basic argument goes along the lines of not adding enough tap water at any one time to harm their fish and the chlorine being used up by the abundance of organic matter in any tank, so that it dissipates quickly. I don't like that chance but the disagreements over the topic can become quite heated. Some will make strong statements like Razer did about the severe consequences of not using dechlor while others will cite their own experiences that fly in the face of that kind of statement. I will continue to use dechlor until I see scientific evidence that it is not needed for the concentrations we experience in our tap water.
There are many very experienced fish keepers who believe there is no need to use a dechlorinator for regular water changes. I do not agree with them, but they keep their fish successfully over long periods of time. The basic argument goes along the lines of not adding enough tap water at any one time to harm their fish and the chlorine being used up by the abundance of organic matter in any tank, so that it dissipates quickly. I don't like that chance but the disagreements over the topic can become quite heated. Some will make strong statements like Razer did about the severe consequences of not using dechlor while others will cite their own experiences that fly in the face of that kind of statement. I will continue to use dechlor until I see scientific evidence that it is not needed for the concentrations we experience in our tap water.

Ok i hear ya. So i should continue to use it as my fish are used to de-chlorinated water?
erm...i guess so, its right the fish will live without you treating the water....but you may well get some who cant handle it and die....a friend of mine has a stupidly overstocked tank and does not use declor.....and guess what, he gets alot of deaths....and alot of problems with his tank, i mean of course the fish he has had for a fair few years i would assume are so use to it now it has no effect as its mainly the new fish he has that die! i think it would be down to your choice......if you have been using it for a while then stick to it mate
As you say a friend of yours has a stupidly over socked he’s tank. he’s problem is poor water quality. old fish can get used to poor water conditions this is why it has a great effect on new fish , de-chlorinated or not would not make differents to the problem that he has created
Well!... I honesty had a male guppy once, who lived a prolific life with 2 gonopodiums... genuine!!.... one of the most cheerfull guppies I ever had.... Wish I had a camera at the time... (but my wife's my witness)!
well, i will trya nd get a picture of his tank....from just looking there is 3 common plecs in there 2 silver dollars a load of guppys male and female, neons tetras some tiger barbs, some see-through fish, erm there is aload others but ive no idea what they are, i will have to remember to get a picture.....oh and his tank is only about 140litres very bad mix of fish and bad water, :crazy: but no matter what advice i give him i get a simple "there alive ent that?" answer back :angry:

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