A Difficult Situation

gosh what a tricky situation, poor doggy and poor your friend too. yeah she shouldn't be doing what she is but when everythings mounted up on you it's easy to loose sight of stuff.

i think llj's idea of a doggy vacation is a great idea, you can sort of sell it as giving her a break as well, one less thing for her to worry about. If you don't mind and it's practical I'd maybe try and take on some of the responsibility for her, possibly with the baby as well, you know offer to babysit so she can have a night off stuff like that.

now i may be completely barking up the wrong tree here so i apologise if i've got the wrong end of the stick, only so much about a friendship you can read from a few posts. But you've not seen the new place for 4 months, so have you lost/lessened contact with her a bit since she moved? It honestly sounds like she may be quite depressed, possible post natal depression and just needs a friend around. Try and get round there a bit more, it'll give you a chance to assess toe dog situation further as well.

personally i would try and do as much as i can to take responsibilities off her hands and give her a bit of fun/relaxing time to herself. while your spending tiem with her and the dog you can feel what the situation is better, then when she's feeling a little stronger tactfully talk to her about it. If you notice the dog 'misbehaving' (in her eyes) and being scolded with a smack, then doing the same again another time comment on how he hasn't learnt, theres a fair chance this will be greeted by her getting everything off her chest that's been bothering her for months about it, and then suggest some alternative training methods like clicker training.

Will do :good: , i think you are right in that she is probably feeling a bit down and depressed right now. On the one hand she has more family and friends around her where she lives now, but on the other hand she's having a hard time financially and with her boyfriend and just generally keeping on top of things at the moment in her life.
I will try to visit her more often, but it can be difficult as she lives in quite a remote small town which is a fair distance from where i live. I will suggest she gives the dog alternative training though, as although the dog seems to have learnt some things from being hit (for example it never bites her daughter or is too boisterous around her daughter now), but overal i don't think the dog actually understands what its been shouted at for half the time, it can't be nice for the dog.
Will do :good: , i think you are right in that she is probably feeling a bit down now. On the one hand she has more family and friends around her where she lives now, but on the other hand she's having a hard time financially and with her boyfriend and just generally keeping on top of things at the moment in her life.
I will try to visit her more often, but it can be difficult as she lives in quite a remote small town which is a fair distance from where i live. I will suggest she gives the dog alternative training though, as although the dog seems to have learnt some things from being hit (for example it never bites her daughter or is too boisterous around her daughter now), but overal i don't think the dog actually understands what its been shouted at for half the time, it can't be nice for the dog.

it's not always easy especially when someone lives somewhere remote. and obviously you have your own priorities which may have to come before those of your friend, as you say she has family around her. my ammatuer psychology could of course be way off but it just feels like a cry for help in a way that it's all getting waaay too much for her and she just needs a helping hand.

do what you can to make her life easier and see if things improve, if they don't then at least you will be much closer to her emotionally and she's more likely to take your advice.

good luck
Thanks for your advice Miss Wiggle, i will see what i can do and will try and keep this thread updated too :good: .
I'm not trying top be rude...but why are you defending her now?

I thought you didn't like what she was doing. Now everytime someone gives you their opinion, you make excuses for your friend
Because it's her friend, and she cares about her.
She's not making excuses nor saying she isn't gonna try the advices she's been given. All she has done is try to explain as to why her friend is acting/reacting the way she is (not trying to talk it good at all), and say that she does not believe she'll hit her child.

I do quote:
As i said before, it does not appear that my friend is hitting the dog because she wants to cause it harm or something, it is more like she is hitting it because she is stressed and short tempered with it. I totally understand how demanding looking after young puppies/dogs can be, particularly working breeds like staffies which seem to have unlimited amounts of energy, but i know that the dog hitting is unacceptable.

She's not defending her friends behaviour at all, she's just explaining *why* her friend reacts the way she does.
Because it's her friend, and she cares about her.
She's not making excuses nor saying she isn't gonna try the advices she's been given. All she has done is try to explain as to why her friend is acting/reacting the way she is (not trying to talk it good at all), and say that she does not believe she'll hit her child.

I do quote:
As i said before, it does not appear that my friend is hitting the dog because she wants to cause it harm or something, it is more like she is hitting it because she is stressed and short tempered with it. I totally understand how demanding looking after young puppies/dogs can be, particularly working breeds like staffies which seem to have unlimited amounts of energy, but i know that the dog hitting is unacceptable.

She's not defending her friends behaviour at all, she's just explaining *why* her friend reacts the way she does.

Well, a decision needs to be made

Either you keep defending your friend for her actions and "explaining" why she is hitting her dog


You defend the poor dog and firmly let her know her actions aren't right

I still see it as making excuses. That behavior shouldn't be warranted with an excuse/defense

IMO, I don't care how stressed, short tempered, annoyed you are with an animal. You don't hit it. Period
SoCalMom - I think they were discussing to you how she isn't quite defending her actions, have you read the other statements people have made with respect to it? It doesn't really seem so.

Either way, she is asking for help, and she is receiving it, and has already said she will try most of the solutions people have given her.

No, people should not hit animals, but i don't think that she is necessarily just "making excuses" for her friend. Sometimes people do get stressed out and depressed and take their stresses out on the wrong people. Look at people who have killed their children because of post-partem depression, or other stresses. I don't think it is really just as simple as 'making excuses'.

I can udnerstand why she doesn't want to just simply barge into her friend's home and yell at her, or phone the RSPCA to report her. She wants to help her, and I think that is great.
SoCalMom - I think they were discussing to you how she isn't quite defending her actions, have you read the other statements people have made with respect to it? It doesn't really seem so.

Either way, she is asking for help, and she is receiving it, and has already said she will try most of the solutions people have given her.

No, people should not hit animals, but i don't think that she is necessarily just "making excuses" for her friend. Sometimes people do get stressed out and depressed and take their stresses out on the wrong people. Look at people who have killed their children because of post-partem depression, or other stresses. I don't think it is really just as simple as 'making excuses'.

I can udnerstand why she doesn't want to just simply barge into her friend's home and yell at her, or phone the RSPCA to report her. She wants to help her, and I think that is great.

Yea, I have read everything actually

The statements I have made are MY opinion. I think they are excuses. I don't think her friend should be defended. Do you understand that? It doesn't really seem so.

All I'm trying to say is these are my opinions. It doesn't make them wrong or right in this situation. She posted asking for advice/opinions. That's what I did. I told her what I would do, and gave my opinion on it. Just like you did. Did I jump on you for your opinion because it differed from mine? No. :)
SoCalMom - I think they were discussing to you how she isn't quite defending her actions, have you read the other statements people have made with respect to it? It doesn't really seem so.

Either way, she is asking for help, and she is receiving it, and has already said she will try most of the solutions people have given her.

No, people should not hit animals, but i don't think that she is necessarily just "making excuses" for her friend. Sometimes people do get stressed out and depressed and take their stresses out on the wrong people. Look at people who have killed their children because of post-partem depression, or other stresses. I don't think it is really just as simple as 'making excuses'.

I can udnerstand why she doesn't want to just simply barge into her friend's home and yell at her, or phone the RSPCA to report her. She wants to help her, and I think that is great.

Yea, I have read everything actually

The statements I have made are MY opinion. I think they are excuses. I don't think her friend should be defended. Do you understand that? It doesn't really seem so.

All I'm trying to say is these are my opinions. It doesn't make them wrong or right in this situation. She posted asking for advice/opinions. That's what I did. I told her what I would do, and gave my opinion on it. Just like you did. Did I jump on you for your opinion because it differed from mine? No. :)

I think you see things in black and white too much which this issue SoColMom.
I believe that people can do wrong things to animals for a variety of reasons, but whether that makes them a cruel person at heart is a diffferent matter. As i have said before, my friend looks after her dog very well in all other area's, its just these issues that need adressing. So basically, if i can change the way she looks after her dog in these matters, then all will be well and the dog will be a lot better off and so will my friend- she'll have the family dog she's always wanted, and the dog will always have the family is craved for.
I am not defending her actions, just explaining why i believe she does what she does so people can understand the situation i am in better.

As i said before, i want to tread carefully with my friend and try and get things acheived first in a friendly, positive and agreeable manner first, if i don't succeed with doing this then i will try a more forceful approach. But doing things like calling the RSPCA would be my last option for now, i will only try it when i have exhusted all other options.

Calling the RSPCA is certainly not the most ideal approach at the moment- not only would it most likely ruin my friendship with my friend and destroy the trust between us, but there would be no guarentee that the dog would be better off either. I will explain: if say the RSPCA took the dog, it would have a relatively good chance of being rehomed because it is still a very young dog, and people like young dogs. But staffies and similar pit bull breeds are some of the most commonly rehomed breeds (if not the most commonly rehomed type of dog breed), animal rescue shelters are already packed full with such dogs. Because of the lack of space (and often lack of people wanting to adopt such animals) and often lack of funding, people like the RSPCA have policies where if they can't rehome the animal in question within a certain period of time and the shelters are already packed full of the animal in question, then the animal will be put to sleep/euthanised.
I would feel absolutely gutted if i discovered that the dog was put down because the RSPCA couldn't find a home for it, and also gutted because doing such a thing would probably destroy my friendship with my friend- she would never forgive me if not only did i take her dog away, but it was also destroyed because of my actions. So you should understand why such a thing would be my absolute last option.

Also, although the dog would have its youth on its side, no-one wants a young barely trained uncontrollable dog, which i think is what this dog will turn into if my friend doesn't start to properly train it- the RSPCA has been known to euthanise animals purely because they have training or psychological issues and are not easily/readily rehomeable, the RSPCA does not have unlimited money to train their animals, and so they often just euthanise the ones which are going to take too long to train etc. I know this to be true as well- my mother saved two cats from the RSPCA once who were about to be euthanised because they were too wild.
I do think that the RSPCA does a good job at doing what it does, but you must also understand that is not always the salvation that people hope their animals will get either.

So this is one of the many reasons why i want to get things sorted in a more positive and agreeable manner with my friend first. I care about my friend, but i also care about the dog. If i can reach an option and change this situation so everybody is happy, then that is the way i want to do things most.
So this is one of the many reasons why i want to get things sorted in a more positive and agreeable manner with my friend first. I care about my friend, but i also care about the dog. If i can reach an option and change this situation so everybody is happy, then that is the way i want to do things most.

well said :)
your a good person Tokis-Phoenix :) i wish i had friends like you.
If she's got rats, fish, a child, a life, a job, and a dog, maybe perhaps she's feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything. I am not saying that she is by any means justified. It is not nice to hit an animal, especially when it really doesn't know that it's doing anything wrong.

I wonder if she would be receptive to a vacation from her dog? There are days when my pets drive me bananas and though I'm not quite at that point yet, :S sometimes a few days alone, with one your pets in the trusty care of a sitter, makes you refreshed and better able to handle things that they throw at you when they come back from their vacation. If she's feeling like there's too much on her plate, offer to take the staffie for a few days, just to give her a break? I don't know, it's a long shot, but depending on her reaction when you return the dog from it's vacation, you'll perhaps have a better idea on how she feels about the dog. You'll also have some one on one time to really assess the dog for damage, physical or otherwise. It's subtle and if you phrase the request correctly, she'll just think that you love her staffie. You could even phrase it like you were thinking about getting a staffie and wanted to try one out for a few days to see if you liked the breed. B)

My friends and I in IL used to dog sit for each other all the time, that's how come I know so much about French bulldogs. You friend may not see anything unusual about your request, especially if you've never brought up the hitting.

Just a thought.


Yeah she does have quite a lot on her plate right now, she doesn't have a full time job at the moment but she wants one badly but cannot get one because her daughter is still too young for my friend to get a proper job, i think this often gets my friend down and makes her feel trapped in the house sometimes, she still has a very busy life though. I do think that sometimes she probably does take out some of her stress on the dog when she's finding life difficult/stressful to deal with and is feeling short tempered etc.

I think i am going to try out what you suggested, if i can convince her to let me look after her dog for a couple of days, it should give my friend a break and she might feel less stressed and more able to deal with the dog in a better way. Plus it should give the dog a break too, and i need to do more excercise myself so the dog should be a good excuse to get out of the house and go on long dog walks etc. Plus i've always liked dogs a great deal since as far back as i can remember, we've always had dogs in the family, but i haven't been able to have a pet dog ever since i moved out of home 6 or so years ago, so it would be nice to have a dog around me again if only for a little while.

I'm glad you like the suggestion. It has worked well for me in the past. My friend and I are both singers and when she would give a recital, her parents and family would cram into her tiny apartment and generally drive her nuts, so she would send her Frenchie to me. We lived across the street in the same apartment complex. Then she would come visit me, so both her and the Frenchie got a well-deserved break from the apartment guests from H***! :lol: Of course, I was constantly wiping drool and I think this is the number one reason why I have a Pomeranian. No drool. :lol:

Good luck to you and your friend, I hope she feels better.

So this is one of the many reasons why i want to get things sorted in a more positive and agreeable manner with my friend first. I care about my friend, but i also care about the dog. If i can reach an option and change this situation so everybody is happy, then that is the way i want to do things most.

well said :)

your a good person Tokis-Phoenix :) i wish i had friends like you.

Thanks guys :blush: :good: !

Lol, i agree, its good to have a break from hectic pace of life sometimes, especially when you have good friends you can rely on :good: .

I will phone my friend later on today or tonight and see if i can arrange to come over to her place for a visit and chat, and then i will try suggesting that i look after her dog for a couple of days etc and see how she feels about it :thumbs: .
I hope your efforts are met in a positive way. If you feel one tiny inkling that your friend just simply cannot deal with this dog, for whatever reason, please see that it's removed from the house. Animal abuse is not acceptable.
Well your in a dilly of a pickle if I do say so myself... I think Miss Wiggle is giving good advice that my advice may just be a addition to that but good luck :good: and you must feel like this :shout:

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