A Challenge To Checkers Players

so im wrong by saying they have good minds? no i dont think so.
i used a cure for cancer as well as many things as an example, ur telling me that makin an "unbeatable" checkers machine is a good use of someones time, or would u rather them actually doing something thats going 2 benefit peoples everyday lives.
i think u see now how silly my argument is not, would it be silly 2 think clever people should be helping people rather than building a machine that doesnt help or serve any person.
Your argument is still silly. They weren't doing this just because they felt like wasting their time, they were doing it to improve their problem solving skills. It was a project that should allow them to do more advanced things in the future, that probably will help people.
let em get on with it, if everyone put thier energy into coming up with great ideas, would the world really be a better place? it would get abit boring. its not like everyone is trying to save the planet. you could say as fishkeepers we are also not helping solve any problems. we tend to use up more enrgy resoursec and we are trying to control are own little watery enviroment. so whatever
well i hope ur happy with this new checkers machine and i hope u get as much joy out of losing 2 it as u appear 2 get from arguing about it.
me on the other hand would rather look forward to a day when people that develop cancer dont have 2 worry about dying instead they can be treated.
how can u claim a world with great ideas would be boring? do u think people shouldnt be helping the planet? its attitudes like urs that help create the mess the world is in 2day.
as a fishkeeper i am obviously not helping solve any problems by taking on this hobby but as a person i am, i give monthly 2 cancer research and oxfam, as well as donating clothes and old things i dont use anymore, unfortunately i wasnt gifted with a brain on the same level as these people so i try and help the ways im able 2.
maybe u should take notice of the world around u and start trying 2 help improve the way people live.
You have no idea what the researchers that created this program do to contribute to soceity in what you think is a meaningful way. You say you give monthly to cancer research, but maybe they do too. The fact is, projects like this may seem to have no practical purpose, but they're developing skills on projects like these that they can use on more useful projects.
im not denying they may give 2 charity but what im saying is that with the intelligent brain they have there must be more useful things they could be developing (even in practice), im just saying that an unbeatable checkers machine is something the world could of done without
all great idea start with something small and sometimes insignificant. the machine might be pointless but small things can certainly move on to big things. everything starts somewhere
the world could go without supercars e.t.c. ... companies still research into how to make a fast petrol car when they could use that for some better technology. e.g hydrogen or w/e
im not gona continue arguing with u because i clearly think ur ideas r stupid, such as the supercar thing, people can benefit from them by appearance, performance, so comparing it 2 that is clearly idiotic.
but as i said im no longer arguing with both of u
im not gona continue arguing with u because i clearly think ur ideas r stupid, such as the supercar thing, people can benefit from them by appearance, performance, so comparing it 2 that is clearly idiotic.
but as i said im no longer arguing with both of u

it because your argument doesn't hold much water
look darrene im refusing 2 call u and ur little partner demonmagus pathetic so im trying not 2 cause any additional trouble but clearly this is wasted on someone as stupid as u.
u dont know when 2 stop, iv decided 2 stop but u cant let go, u have 2 carry on like a spoilt kid, infact ur argument doesnt come anywhere close 2 mine as im saying people should try and help other people whereas u r saying people shouldnt.
i think u know now that 2 shut ur mouth would be the best option
look darrene im refusing 2 call u and ur little partner demonmagus pathetic so im trying not 2 cause any additional trouble but clearly this is wasted on someone as stupid as u.
u dont know when 2 stop, iv decided 2 stop but u cant let go, u have 2 carry on like a spoilt kid, infact ur argument doesnt come anywhere close 2 mine as im saying people should try and help other people whereas u r saying people shouldnt.
i think u know now that 2 shut ur mouth would be the best option

bit touchy feely aren't you :hyper: :hyper: :shout: :lol:
not going 2 give ur immature brain the satisfaction of an answer
Attitude like that is going to get you banned, Toppman. Not everyone is going to help with cancer. That's the way life goes, if everyone did I'm sure the world would be a better place but not everyone will. You've just got to face it and stop complaining.

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