A Challenge To Checkers Players

Your controdicting yourself.You said you wouldn't post anymore but you are. I never said i wouldn't post, you did.You can't admit that your, what shall we call it 'opinion' is just silly.
did i say i wouldnt post anymore?
i clearly dont think my opinion is "silly" as thats what i think is right so that would be stupid 2 do so,
ur entitled 2 think my opinions r stupid because that is ur opinion.
so please dont call my opinions silly as opinions cannot be dismissed as, wrong, right, stupid, clever etc as they r just opinions and opinions cannot be wrong,
u may call my "views" silly as u can have ur own opinion.
did i say i wouldnt post anymore?
i clearly dont think my opinion is "silly" as thats what i think is right so that would be stupid 2 do so,
ur entitled 2 think my opinions r stupid because that is ur opinion.
so please dont call my opinions silly as opinions cannot be dismissed as, wrong, right, stupid, clever etc as they r just opinions and opinions cannot be wrong,
u may call my "views" silly as u can have ur own opinion.
Your opinion is not silly, just somewhat short sighted and narrow. You fail to see the possible applications that such an advancement in Artificial Intelligence can bring us in the future.

What is a problem is your continued abuse of both the English grammar system, and anyone who disagrees and points out flaws in your argument. Rather than rebutting the alleged flaws in your argument, you indulge in ad hominem attacks, thus preventing any casual reader from taking your view point seriously.
y dont these losers create something worth mentioning, like solving, poverty, global warming (if it even is because of humans, but thats another debate) or cures for aids and cancer.
but noooooooooooo instead there helping the world by creating things than can beat us and r more intelligent at friggin checkers
whats the world coming 2


because 2 be honest thats a stupid idea and ur being pedantic.

its attitudes like urs that help create the mess the world is in 2day.

im not gona continue arguing with u because i clearly think ur ideas r stupid,

look darrene im refusing 2 call u and ur little partner demonmagus pathetic so im trying not 2 cause any additional trouble but clearly this is wasted on someone as stupid as u.
u dont know when 2 stop, iv decided 2 stop but u cant let go, u have 2 carry on like a spoilt kid, infact ur argument doesnt come anywhere close 2 mine as im saying people should try and help other people whereas u r saying people shouldnt.
i think u know now that 2 shut ur mouth would be the best option
100% controdicting yourself :good:

not going 2 give ur immature brain the satisfaction of an answer

Just some silly things..
...im impressed...

u have nothing 2 do with the original argument and im sure the original 3 people involved would agree that its over so please let us stick 2 the peace and forgot this topic.
if u r able please go somewhere else and be helpful, not criticise people.
I've had enough anyway of you anyway, as many others have said.
thank u 4 being an understanding child.
thanks again
...im impressed...

u have nothing 2 do with the original argument and im sure the original 3 people involved would agree that its over so please let us stick 2 the peace and forgot this topic.
if u r able please go somewhere else and be helpful, not criticise people.
Impressed by what? Someone who can spell and use correct grammatical syntax?

If I understand you correctly, unless someone contributes to a thread in the first few posts, they are not allowed to contribute from thereon in? A strange notion.

Maybe I should PM you on any thread older than about 5 posts to ensure I am allowed to contribute to that thread?

On a note that was started on a post in Board Announcements, I think we can tell that summer is here now... :D
lol i have 2 agree, its such a bad argument that really didnt need 2 reach the extent it did
if there was an argument between 3 people and u decided 2 get involved and stir up the argument when its cooling down, then yes i would insist that u left it alone and went 2 another topic where u wasnt being so unhelpful.as 4 the correct spelling and w/e i am capaple of spelling correctly i just choose not 2 because it saves time.
no doubt toppman will have the last word :good: :hey:
just like i said
well done u predicted right but im not having the last word on anything 2 do with u now this is a whole different conversation
if there was an argument between 3 people and u decided 2 get involved and stir up the argument when its cooling down, then yes i would insist that u left it alone and went 2 another topic where u wasnt being so unhelpful.
My first post was aimed at pointing out some of the benefits of this research which no one else has pointed out.

as 4 the correct spelling and w/e i am capaple of spelling correctly i just choose not 2 because it saves time.

If only you put that spare time into formulating an arguing position that was somewhat tenable, and not inherently contradictory

chill people. honestly.

i dotn doubt andywg intellegent but honestly do you have to flaunt it in every topic you post in my god, its like u believe your superiour, now your post saying ive misunderstood or what not.

darrene we get it ... now.

i no its been a ####ty summer but honestly people cheer up, the weather will get better then we can leave our computers and go get drunk in the sun.

lets all leave this post now! its kinda lost any point anyway ... its not like anyones actually challenege the checkers computer anyway!

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