A bunch of questions I want to know for my new Betta tank

Do what you will Rain Gamma. I have given my two cents. Other people have given theirs, though I'm sure there will be more opinions and posts. Please note that I have only been keeping fish for a year while many people on here have been at it much longer, so maybe trust their advice a little more. Have a good day.
Devil's advocate here. I reckon he will be fine in a 50 gallon tank with the AquaClear HOB filter. Have lots of floating plants and keep them at the opposite end of the tank to the filter. The Betta can hang out at that end. Put a sponge over the intake strainer of the filter and be careful about which fish you put in with him.
I have successfully kept male Betta’s in community tanks in the past. I’ve kept them with Bristlenose, Molly (avoid swordtail and Lyretail or super colorful ones), Zebra Danio’s, and Rasbora’s. Just make sure you don’t overstock and provide lots of hiding spots. Also, make sure you establish your tank and fish before you introduce a male Betta to the tank. If you add the male Betta first he will claim the whole tank as his territory and when you add the other fish he’ll try to get rid of them and become stressed out. I’ve never had any issues but I have heard stories of some male Betta’s never adjusting to a community tank so I would still be prepared to move him if it just doesn’t work out.
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