Uhm, ok, I've got news for everyone that's been (eagerly?) following this post - so here goes. I'll give you my (lengthy) update and then address new posts afterwards.
Last night, while at dinner, my husband mentioned that I should post regarding the situation on a local fish-forum. I decided to
not take the stance of "I WAS RIGHT, THEY WERE WRONG, AND DAMNIT, I'M NOT PAYING" but rather just to gather information. The post started out explaining, basically, what happened, but leaving out the store name and location. I really don't want to turn their business away until I've had a chance to resolve the issue. And since these are local people I'm working with, omitting store info seemed like a good idea.
The first few responses last night were basically "Pay the $150 and sum it up to a lesson learned." I couldn't seem to get through to the few people posting that I wasn't denying responsibility, just trying to verify how much I should really be accountable for.
Fortunately, after a good night's sleep - it seems the bulk of the community has read the post (LOL - it's on page 5 now, and growing) and seems to side with me - and even a bit further...they think I shouldn't be charged anything at all. While I'll admit it'd be nice to not pay anything, I'm
not in that frame of mind. If the owner/manager wants to let me off the hook, hey - great! However, if I'm going to be held accountable for the cost of a replacement tank, then that's fine - I just want to make sure they're not making a profit from it. (That's not fair to me, especially considering what I just learned...)
Ok, so this morning, thanks to advice from folks on michiganreefers.com, I've contacted a few parties: The Better Business Bureau, The State Attorney General, Other LFS/LPS, and a Lawyer. All in the hopes of finding out what exactly I was *legally* (not morally, that's a different story...) responsible for. Basically - I wanted to make sure that if I offered the store the amount that it'd cost them to replace the tank, would they be able to press charges against me because I didn't pay them the amount they told me to. Was I, by any means, legally obligated to pay what they quoted me, which I believed to be retail price of the tank?
Here are results of the phone calls:
The Better Business Bureau:
I got nothing outta these guys except a 10 minute recording, lol. They basically said they were willing to help out anyone who seeked their assistance, as long as a resolution has been attempted with the company. Since I'm still working on a resolution, this was not the road for me.
Sam Bernstein's Office:
Ok, so those 1-800-CALL-SAM commercials worked. I needed a bit of lawer-ly advice and had no where else to turn. I dialed 1-800-Call-Sam. The assistant sniffed me out, realized that I wasn't hurt (other than a bruise or two) and literally dismissed me. She said I should contact a personal injury lawyer. I told her I was not interested in suing for injuries since I really had none to speak of, and quite frankly, it was at least partially my fault I fell on the tank. She said, well, contacting a lawyer would be your best bet. I asked her if she could recommend one, she said, and I quote: "You should utilize your local phone book." Now, I have a cell phone - no house phone. I HAVE NO LOCAL PHONE BOOK. So I said "Thanks, but I don't have one." Then I followed with a nice click.
The State Attorney General:
The lady there sympathized with me, for some reason, I think she was trying to be nice.

But she said there wasn't a lot they could do in regards to telling me how much / what I should be legally responsible for. She recommended checking with the State Bar Association to get the name of a lawyer, and that way I could find out what I was legally accountable for.
Lawyer's Office:
I spoke with the Lawyer's office and the guy basically said that I was not legally responsible for any damages incurred by my visit to the store. If the store believed I intentionally broke the tank, they could have filed vandalism charges against me, and that would have resulted in filing a police report. I also wanted to make sure that if I did not pay a full $150 (which I believed to be retail price of the tank) that they would NOT be able to pursue action against me. He said no. They have no holdings against me and can do nothing with my license or registration unless they have a judgement against me, and that would involve a court date.
How Other Stores Handle These Situations:
I called two pet stores in my immediate area, one I'm fairly familiar with the staff, and I know sells Great Lakes Aquariums, here are the results:
The First One: This one said that they've not had a big tank broken, but the lady I spoke with said, quote: "We've never charged a customer for a broken tank, let me put it that way."
The Second One: The other, (the one that sells GLA tanks) said that they've never had a big tank broken, but plenty of smaller ones. The smaller ones they write off. She said it's hard to decide if the customer should pay for a bigger tank because that's a considerable more amount of money than a 10-Gallon. In her opinion, she would have been more interested in making sure I was ok than dealing with the business end of the broken tank. (I really like this lady alot...she reminds me of my mom.

She also said there were three things the store could do: 1) File an insurance claim. 2) Ask the customer to pay to replace the item - which should be at wholesale. 3) Write it off at tax-time. She said that the insurance claim was unlikely to happen since chances are the store carries a $500 deductible and the cost of damages is less than that.
I did get some more info from her.

She told me that GLA does not have a "if the tank breaks in your store, we'll replace it" warranty. She's good friends with the owners of Great Lakes Aquariums, and has been dealing with them for years. (Just FYI - GLA is a mom-and-pop type aquarium shop in the area.)
And since we were on the subject of GLA and things of that nature, she disclosed to me how much it would cost any store to replace a 75-Gallon tank. Brace yourselves...my moment of truth is about to be revealed....
What I've done since the phone calls:
Wait, it gets better. Thanks to michiganreefers.com - I've been in contact with the fellow who's tank I landed in.

He's not pissed at me at all (fortunately)! In fact, he's actually quite happy that the store was honest about it. (According to him, the store called, said "We have your tank, it was finished, but a customer broke it. We're replacing it.") Apparently, if I'm understanding the situation right, the store did not buy the tank...he bought it and brought it in for drilling. (?) If I understand this correctly, the store paid NO money in ANY way to buy the tank.
They simply took the tank in, drilled it, then set it out on the floor, sideways, in front of another stack of tanks, that held some items for sale. They have set him up with a new tank, though of a different brand. It's not a Great Lakes tank, I wish I knew what brand it was, because quite honestly, they're charging me retail (and I know this now) for a Great Lakes Drilled tank.
I've also run into contact with a fish-lady (or guy...) that knows the owner and manager of the store. She's given me his contact info and I will be in touch with him in the next day or so.
Well, I've not called the store yet, I want a day or two to let things sit with me so I'm not so frazzled. (I'm still kind of emotional) I have a huge following on both here and michiganreefers.com...though, I've
NOT publicly announced the store on michiganreefers.com simply because I want to handle this as cleanly as possible.
What I do plan to do is call the owner/manager and tell them what happened. Explain that I feel the situation was handled poorly, in my eyes...that I did fall and it didn't seem as though the employees were concerned for my welfare and I really didn't appreciate an employee being stationed at the front door.
After I've been able to vent that, if he's feels as though I should pay for the tank, I'll offer him exactly what I know the price to be for a 75-Gallon Great Lakes Aquarium. I feel that's a more than fair offer. He's getting a 75-Gallon put back on his shelves, free of charge. I'm getting a clear conscience. How is this NOT a happy medium?