A Bad Day in an LFS

steppy104 said:
so it was just a matter of employees doing a sad job then...not the stores fault. glad everything turned out ok!
stores should be responsible about who they hire and go through situations like that with them and see how they would react. way too many employers rely on the people they hire to actually have common sense when i find that far from the case...especially everywhere i have worked.
Becca said:
Jeffrey - regardless of what happens, I still say you're going to make a fine lawyer one day. LOL. I'll be set in my mindframe "I was wrong and I'm morally obligated to pay these guys. Damn, I wish I would have been more careful, I don't want to hand out that money..."

And then I'll see your post and I can't help but go "Yeah! Forget those losers! They can't touch me!! I don't want to shop at their store anymore anyway!!! GO JEFF!! YEAH!"

LOL. You're really good with words. :p Just had to say that. :)
Thanks :)

Lots of people have told me that I make very compelling arguments, even from a young age people were telling me I should be a lawyer..

Glad everything turned out good for you, morally and finacially.

Now you can buy that wireless network for your laptop :)

Well done Becca, I'm happy it turned out OK :hooray:

But i think u should treat Brain to something extra special tonight :fun: ;) ;)

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

oh just one point to jeffrey

All the BBB can really do is put the incedent on file, so if someone calls and asked about the company the BBB will be able to say there is one complaint against them.

If it had gone the other way with the owner insisting Becca payed for the damages 1 complaint is more than 0.

anyways im not trying to start another debate it's time for partying

:- :- :- :- :- :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:
StrontiumDog said:
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But i think u should treat Brain to something extra special tonight :fun: ;) ;)

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Oh yes, I have something "special" planned for him too.

My living room needs re-arranging for my tank delivery tomorrow! ;)
Happy things worked out. :)

Becca, I think you showed alot of class throughout the the whole incident. :nod:

I would definatly continue to shop at his store.
But I would ask for help if I couldn't reach something. :p
cometcattle said:
Happy things worked out. :)

Becca, I think you showed alot of class throughout the the whole incident. :nod:

I would definatly continue to shop at his store.
But I would ask for help if I couldn't reach something. :p
I think that's an understatement!!

My sentiments exactly.
Good to know that the store owner seems to be a decent bloke even if the prat in charge didn't have a clue.
Jeff, i agree with the Becca you will one day make a good lawyer. You have proved yourself worthy and you have put your 2 years of law degree into good work here to help stand up for the little guy/gal.
If you hadn't posted on here in as much depth I think Becca would have probably gone back to the store and paid the full $150.
Correct me if I am wrong here Becca.
Great news Becca, glad you got the outcome you legally deserve and good on you to agree to stand by your word even though the store owner said he did not expect you to pay anything at all. You did the right thing.
CSR, I know I have posted that I don't belive that Becca should have paid (by law). To be honest even though I know where I stand in retail and the law I would have still felt morally obliged to offer to pay for the breakage as well.
Just because people say things (in this thread, where becca stood legally.) Doesn't mean we are shallow and have no morals, if you broke something and knew you didn't have to pay for what you broke by accident because it was placed/stocked in an unsafe manor, and say for example you got hurt, would you still pay for the item or attempt to sue the store for unsafe premisis? (I have to say I know I would be doing the latter!!!!)
What a relief that must be!!!!!! good for you and the store owner :) I'm impressed with both of you.

Becca said:
cometcattle said:
Happy things worked out. :)

Becca, I think you showed alot of class throughout the the whole incident. :nod:

I would definatly continue to shop at his store.
But I would ask for help if I couldn't reach something. :p
I think that's an understatement!!
exactly how tall are you? if you can't reach the things, then maybe i shouldn't go there if they have things too high for people.....i'm only 4'11! lol.
steppy104 said:
Becca said:
cometcattle said:
Happy things worked out. :)

Becca, I think you showed alot of class throughout the the whole incident. :nod:

I would definatly continue to shop at his store.
But I would ask for help if I couldn't reach something. :p
I think that's an understatement!!
exactly how tall are you? if you can't reach the things, then maybe i shouldn't go there if they have things too high for people.....i'm only 4'11! lol.
5'5" :p Hubby's 6'2"...which is another reason why the whole thing could have been avoided. He could have gotten it for me!
steppy104 said:
Becca said:
cometcattle said:
Happy things worked out. :)

Becca, I think you showed alot of class throughout the the whole incident. :nod:

I would definatly continue to shop at his store.
But I would ask for help if I couldn't reach something. :p
I think that's an understatement!!
exactly how tall are you? if you can't reach the things, then maybe i shouldn't go there if they have things too high for people.....i'm only 4'11! lol.
steppy-im exactly one foot taller than you :p :D
sorry-i know that was off topic... :whistle:

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