A 60Litre Named.. Aquapit..

AquaPit's Story Part Seven!

I have finally adjusted the look!

The fishes are in and with the airstone temporarily in the tank to help oxygenate the water.

Can you spot the difference? Hehee




Since I can only upload two photos at a time due to its size, the next few posts will be the continuation of AquaPit's Story Part Seven!

Mostly photos! :p

A different angle-view of the tank

The wooden caves!

A look at my two female GBRs playing with each other!

My Anubias on a coconut husk! With a cameo appearance of my Neon Tetras and my once 'lost' Pygmy Cories! All 5 of them are actually alive! Haha

One of the wood pieces with Mr Moss Ball! (Pardon the big ugly white pebble! Its being used to weigh down the wood from floating!)

Another of my wood pieces..

Another piece of wood

A slightly top view of the wood arrangement

....Aaahhhh..... my serenity...... calming look..... You agree?

More angle-views
Left Angle
Right Angle

And lastly, a pic of my Plakat Male, Loki! Hahaa

I hope he will inhabit this tank in the future, not with all the fishes though! Haha! Maybe just Loki and the pygmy cories or Hasborus cories OR Panda cories! *Excited*

Stay tune for any updates on this journal!

Till then, long live AquaPit!! :p
The tank looks absolutely beautiful!!! I love the wood and the sand is so pure looking c:
Wow - MUCH much nicer look with the driftwood and live plants, and white sand.  It's beautiful.  Tanks have a way of evolving...
ericNH said:
Wow - MUCH much nicer look with the driftwood and live plants, and white sand.  It's beautiful.  Tanks have a way of evolving...
Tks! It feels so calming looking at my tank now.. :)
In the next parts of AquaPit's story, I am thinking of changing the stock of the fishes.

Looking into getting just Gouramis with the cories or maybe Female Betta Sorority!

Will different types of Gouramis living in one tank work? Dwarf ones I mean!

Or maybe a few Gouramis with 5 female Bettas?? Whoa!

Crazy but is it workable..?! Hmm... haha
The vid! Pardon the ugly white pebble! Its to hold down the wood and the guppy has found a new home.


Hope you guys enjoyed it! :-

Gave away my sole guppy survivor to a friend of mine.

Gave away my 2 Female GBRs to a friend of mine.

Thinking of giving away my 10 neon tetras to my LFS!

I'm left with my 10 Hasborus Cories.

Getting a few Honey gouramis.. Maybe..

And I got this Blue tube light for night viewing! (Actually, I don't know what I'm doing! Haha!)

what are you thinking of replacing them with :)
the blue light looks cool a moonlight one would accentuate the colours of the fish more :)
looking-glass said:
what are you thinking of replacing them with :)
the blue light looks cool a moonlight one would accentuate the colours of the fish more :)
Tks! Will look into the moonlight one in the future..

I'm getting dwarf gouramis maybe Honey.. :)

Want something peaceful... :p
The blue looks very pretty. I'd do honey gourami instead of dwarf..dwarfs can be meanies and a lot of them tend to get dwarf gourami disease :/

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