A 60Litre Named.. Aquapit..

Ninjouzata said:
The blue looks very pretty. I'd do honey gourami instead of dwarf..dwarfs can be meanies and a lot of them tend to get dwarf gourami disease :/
Tks Nin!

Got my eye on this beautiful Honey I saw in my LFS!

I did ask the sex of the Honeys but they are not sure which is Male and which is Female..

Now I'm thinking whether to get two or three Honeys... hmm..
You can look at the dorsal fin (top), the males are more pointed and the females are rounded.
HERE is more info on them, it has some info on doing this, as well as some pics to show differences.
You can get 3 if you want. Maybe a male and 2 females? :)
Ninjouzata said:
You can look at the dorsal fin (top), the males are more pointed and the females are rounded.
HERE is more info on them, it has some info on doing this, as well as some pics to show differences.
You can get 3 if you want. Maybe a male and 2 females? :)
Tks a bundle Nin! Appreciate it!

The 3x Sterbais, 1x Leopard and 2x Pandas(plus an extra one) that I gave away to my friend is now back!

He decided that fishkeeping is over for him! WTH!

Luckily my other fishes have been given away to make space for either a trio of Honey Gouramis or a Betta Sorority.. Still undecided...

For now, the tank stock is
10x Hasborus Cory
5x Pygmy Cory
The 'old' cory residents! (Which will be given away.. again!)

Now for some photo updates





Your plants look good and that piece of driftwood is very nice.
brittgs said:
Your plants look good and that piece of driftwood is very nice.
Tks! Maybe two more plants to go.. and the driftwood piece is actually made up of 5 individual pieces.. :)
*Fish Convo*

H1: "So.. Nice spot you got here!"
H2: "Well.. This is where I usually bring the ladies!"

Panda: "Where the hell is the food??"

Lol! Just for fun! :p
Tank still looks wonderful! Shame your friend doesn't like fishkeeping. I hope you can find the other cories a lovely home. :lol:
Ninjouzata said:
Tank still looks wonderful! Shame your friend doesn't like fishkeeping. I hope you can find the other cories a lovely home. :lol:
Tks Nin!
Dated 22nd May 2014, AquaPit has officially retired.......

Sold the tank including all the sand, plants, driftwoods and all the cories!

Sold the filter!

Sold all my females! 11 of them!

Sold my Male bettas! 6 of them! Including Loki and Trojan!

Sold my T8 lighting and 50watts heater!

Left with just the iron wrought stand, El Rojo and my favourite female betta, F2 which I now dearly call by the name, Dara...

Hence, a new 30Litre tank for El Rojo..

With Dara as company.. outside the tank that is!

Fresh start.. Old filter media, a bit of old sand, some 20Litres of old tank water and my Bio media, Biohome..

Meet.. Galleria!
Its really ugly right now! Hahaha!

I will ensure more pics to come!

The sole future inhabitant of Galleria..
El Rojo

And his 'external' long distance girlfriend
Miss Dara :)

Stay tuned!

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