ok umm my aqurium salt is.... DOC wellfish's aqurium salt! i bought it cause it sez that it can reduce stress, add electrolytes, improve gill function, improves disease recovery, abd improves osmoregulation!! and i have been satisfied with how it has worked in the past so im hoping that velvet will pull through GO VELVET YOU CAN DO IT!!
yea slanted! he can swim to the bottom but when he gets there he stays there and then when i try to move him he doesnt budge he is breathing ok and i have added salt and betta fix and clean water !!! ic ant think of anything else to do i dont wanna say goodbye just yet!
i changed all of his water this morning cause it smelled weird and i tried to feed him... it isnt working!! how much longer should i expect this behavior it is making me feel really REALLY bad!!
What brand pellets did you try? My guys will refuse all pellets except for Hiakri Betta Bio-Gold. You might try some of them. You can get them at Petsmart and sometimes Walmart.
that is what they are hikari betta bio-gold! i feel so bad i just ... i dont want him to suffer ... first i buy him and freckles attacks him... then i give him all kinds of food but none of them gets eatin! then he gets sucked into his filter! what next am i gonna do to him
uhm, i hate to be the bearer of bad news, buy i think ur betta is dying, the samething happened to me, poor Ashley. if it is floating slanted, there is a chance, but not the greateset. buy i do have something to say, U CAN PULL THRU VELVET! and yes, i use that same salt, it is very, very helpful, u might have a better chance with that.
he isnt floating like that anymore he is swimming now but not to great he ate one pellet and looks like he is gaining weight! im going to... oh wow he just ate 3 more pellets! hey guys cheer him on it may work!!! thanks oppositearmor!