90 Gallon Stocking


Fish Herder
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Jul 14, 2020
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Washington State, USA
So, I am going to completely redo my 90 gallon. As it is right now, I can hardly stand to look at the tank, it gives me so much anxiety. I lost all 3 of my goldfish, although the other fish are doing alright.

So, once I rehome and shuffle my current bunch around I will have an empty 90 gallon tank. It is 4 feet long, 18 inches wide, and 24 inches tall. My ph is 7.4 and hardness is at 110 ppm, sometimes lower.

I would prefer a single larger fish, or perhaps a pair. I would consider a group of 6ish medium sized fish, though. What do you guys think of my options?
My suggestion - a group of 6-8 Eartheaters (South America fish). Find one species that can fit into your tank.
Take note that some of the fish don't show much colours when they are young. It's only when they grow to 4inches or more, they will start to show their brilliant colours.
I used to keep the Satanoperca Leucosticta which have amazing colours when they are bigger than 4 inches.

Read this article first:

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I really like these guys! They have nice colors, and seem pretty personable.
They are also quite peaceful unlike the African fish that are too aggressive.
I kept them with a group of Rosy Tetras and they didn't bother the Tetras.

But avoid Acarichthys Heckelli which can go crazily aggressive when they are mature.
In other fish forum(I guess the Monster Fish), there are people who mentioned about the aggressivenes of Heckelli.
I had one Heckelli which almost wanted to kill one of my Satanoperca Leucosticta.
In the end, I had to partition my tank into half.
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I will have to see what the shops have in, and what they might be getting in the next couple of months. I won't be moving on my changes too soon, for a lack of money.
Yes, the big ones are expensive but very beautiful.
I bought them when they are young and cheaper.
I managed to buy them at $6 each(for 1.5inches) and they were wild caught fish from South America.
I had to deworm them with Praziquantel when they first arrived.

For bigger ones, they are $25 each for 2.5 to 3inches size.
But the prices will be a few times higher in your country.

By the way, what caused the death of your goldfish?
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I never figured out the cause of death, but the lfs said most of their last two lots of goldfish died. The most recently dead lasted a month, and the fish I purchased with him only lasted three days. I bought one older fish two weeks later and he died after a week. No other deaths or sickness in the tank.
I’d second the geophagus they are great fish and good in a group like you want. The other thing I think of if you want a wet pet would be a fahaka puffer fish. Or you could do a group of schoudenti puffers but they are really expensive...
I never figured out the cause of death, but the lfs said most of their last two lots of goldfish died. The most recently dead lasted a month, and the fish I purchased with him only lasted three days. I bought one older fish two weeks later and he died after a week. No other deaths or sickness in the tank.

Make sure they are not caused by some parasites that can survive up to a month or more (example: gill flukes).
In the past, I had very bad experience with gill flukes that kept killing my fish one by one.
I used almost every medication that I could find in the market but I still couldn't kill them until I managed to find Flubendazole.
Make sure they are not caused by some parasites that can survive up to a month or more (example: gill flukes).
In the past, I had very bad experience with gill flukes that kept killing my fish one by one.
I used almost every medication that I could find in the market but I still couldn't kill them until I managed to find Flubendazole.
I will keep an eye out for sure. This tank has been frustrating in the extreme, and I will be excited to completely break it down and restart.
The lfs is going to give me credit for the loaches and white clouds, which I will use to get some red striped eartheaters, Geophagus surinamensis.
The lfs is going to give me credit for the loaches and white clouds, which I will use to get some red striped eartheaters, Geophagus surinamensis.


Sorry, I should have given you this link earlier:

I think Geophagus surinamensis is one of the bigger species which may need 100 gallons and above tank.
"Geophagus Proximus, Altifrons and Brasiliensis" also need bigger tank.

Probably Satanoperca Leucosticta, Biotodoma Cupido, Geophagus Sp. "Red Head Tapajos" are ok and Satanoperca Jurupari(maybe). They may get more aggressive during breeding. So, the bigger tank, the better.

Some photos of the fish but the tank size suggestions seem like not so accurate.

More photos:

Betta macrostoma are truly unique. One of the coolest fish I’ve kept.


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I would say that if you want a fish for personality and a good owner-pet relationship you should consider snakeheads, Oscars, or flowerhorns.
good tankmates for these fish would be large plecos, or maybe a group of 4 geophagus Tapajos.
or you could make an amazing biotope tank, like imagine a school of 100 cardinal tetras with 2 hypancistrus and another school of 50 marbled hatchet fish.
maybe a group of 6 discus with the 4 geophagus Tapajos and a pair of blue phantom plecos.

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