Am looking at some other schooling fish as the congos are expensive (IMO)
Possible Schooling Fish w/ concerns in parentheses
Congo Tetras (Expensive)
Upside-down Catfish (Not sure on location in tank, possibly expensive, dad doesn't like)
Rainbowfish (Expensive and spook ctenopoma)
Denison/Torpedo Barb/Roseline Shark (Expensive and streamlined so possibly eaten by bichir, prefers subtropical I think?)
Tiger Barb (May be eaten by bichir and likely nip angelfish)
Rosy Barb
Silver Dollars (Eat plants)
Giant Danio (Streamlined so possibly eaten by bichir, possibly prefer subtropical temperature)
Gourami (Not schooling, but could be kept in a large group such as 1M:5F, could be nippy towards the angelfish, feelers could be nipped by bichir)