75G Planted Tank

I see an entry for TOTM contest--looking good
Flash_Fire said:
4c Sugar, 2tsp yeast and water in each "tank".
Thank you....not happy with the recipe i am currently using...will give yours a whirl!
Forgot to ask, what sized bottles are you using?
Alasse said:
4c Sugar, 2tsp yeast and water in each "tank".
Thank you....not happy with the recipe i am currently using...will give yours a whirl!
Forgot to ask, what sized bottles are you using?
3 1 gallon bottles, 2 for co2 production, 1 for a bubble counter, See pic. I have the co2 going though an airstone which is rubber banded to the intake of a power head. The power head turns off with the lights ti minimize co2 distribution at night.
Too make note, because I don't know how much it matters, these bottles more rigid than typical.
Flash_Fire said:

4c Sugar, 2tsp yeast and water in each "tank".
Thank you....not happy with the recipe i am currently using...will give yours a whirl!
Forgot to ask, what sized bottles are you using?
3 1 gallon bottles, 2 for co2 production, 1 for a bubble counter, See pic. I have the co2 going though an airstone which is rubber banded to the intake of a power head. The power head turns off with the lights ti minimize co2 distribution at night.
Too make note, because I don't know how much it matters, these bottles more rigid than typical.

Cool....i would need to halve the recipe for each bottle i have....just as well i asked lol

I use carbonated drink bottles, designed to hold pressure :)
New driftwood
Added 6 pearl gourami today, 2 male, 4 female. Ordered dual t5 lighting.
Went to a convention yesterday and got some more driftwood, plants, 2 angels, 6 assassin snails, and 2 green dragon long finned bristlenose plecos.
Plants and wood
Assassin snail
Tank after everything was added

Most reactions
