75G Planted For Beginners. Haha.

If it was fish tb, observe yourself as well then. Fish tb is nasty for humans and enters your body through small wounds, like cuts when they touch the water.

It took a friend of mine 6 months on heavy antibiotics to cure himself from fish tb.

Ps: Fish tb doesn't affect your lungs, but the tissues just under your skin.
sounds like you've thought your way through this.
Good luck

Thank you Stu!

Well. I've just left the doctor actually and have a nice spot on my hand that isn't healing. Just waiting to find out the results. No wonder my fish weren't getting better. :angry: :angry: :angry: How can I have this tidal wave of bad luck?

I did the full scrub down on my 2 10g tanks. I hope the bleach is rinsed away. I took my betta and his media out and put him in the 10g planted to see what happens. I hate to use him as a guinea pig, but if he doesn't do well then I know to try a new plan with my larger tanks.
Doctor confirmation on Fish Tuberculosis. I am about to start a 6 MONTH!!! antibiotic treatment. The really bad thing is that I am still breastfeeding my baby and didn't plan to wean him this soon. The antibiotics aren't known to be dangerous or safe, so we are in few a rough few months.

I am going to continue breaking down all my tanks and sterilizing them. I hope that I am able to rinse away the bleach thoroughly.

My plants that I did the test run with in the 10g are all melting. I think my bleach solution was too strong. I am also not able to save any fish as the platy fry and other fish, that I thought were healthy have all been exposed. Looks like they are all in for an icy end.
Sorry to hear that I was right! :sad: Especially about the breastfeeding, but I agree, you shouldn't be taking any chances at this point. I hope the antibiotics are not too hard on your health as they are pretty strong. I wished I could have warned earlier... :-(
Thanks Lu. It's been a tough go, up to this point. I am lucky my doctor listened to me, instead of sending me home with a cream for my hand or something. They took me seriously right off the bat. I have read about a lot of people who get misdiagnosed repeatedly.

It was over 2 months ago that I finished the fishless cycle and bought the apistogrammas. I could sit here whining about the horrible luck of that, but I am very relieved to have a definitive answer. I am starting on my 46g tomorrow with some bleach and a good ole' scrub brush.

Unfortunately, My 10g that I already scrubbed will have to be redone, and the poor betta euthanized with the rest. I am taking things very seriously now, and want my tanks to be safe for my children in the future and fish tb can apparently remain in your tank for an extremely long time through a carrier fish.

We are starting at square one...hopefully I can save some plants. Wish me a speedy cycle! I'm not getting media from anywhere locally, and am not sure if enough plants will survive to silent cycle.
It is definately not good!!! Isn't there only like 3 reported cases of fish TB? if so then you got really lucky!!! Well in a bad way :( I wish you best with your cycle :(
HELP!!! :shout: The bleach dip is killing my plants. I really wanted to save as many plants as possible. Any suggestions?

I have lost about 70 fish {including fry} Most by Euthanization, I really, really need to save some plants here.

For my sanity and my wallet.
I really feel for you, what awfully bad luck... just hope this all turns full circle and you start getting the good luck you deserve, stick with it your tanks were beautiful before and I'm certain they will be even better when you start again. Best of luck and with your little un!
I really appreciate the support. Most people start up new fish tanks and get through the longggg cycles and buy fish. Happily ever after. plgh. Well...in about 6 weeks that'll be me!! :lol:

I have done the external filter on my 46g, and all of the plants are dipped, rinsed, and in a big bowl of dechlorinated water. Tomorrow, I attack the black sand, the wood, and the actual tank. The sand is the hardest part. I have to rinse it more then when I bought it almost.

Positive thought of the day: GOODBYE pest snails. hahahaha
Thanks for that link Lu. That's about what I had done, but the soaking was a little harsh on my first try. I did more of a 30 second dunk and swirl this time. I am not too worried about anything surviving. I was really thorough with my rinsing this time as well.
I have finished the 46g scrub down, but I am not setting it up yet. My hubby is going to bring home some black paint tomorrow. Might as well paint my background while the tanks is broken down.

I am NOT painting my smaller tanks as I am planning to start playing around with aquascaping.

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