75G Planted For Beginners. Haha.

What would you need to do to sterilize a tank and filter and remove any traces of parasites? Would I have to replace the sand? Would drying the black sand from my 46g in the sun kill anything off?
I am on day 7 of this antibiotic and medicated food without the slightest sign of the cories getting better. I am trying one more parasitic medication next week after a few days break. After one more month if I haven't gotten a handle on this, I am going to rip my tanks apart, sterilize them and start from scratch.

I hope it doesn't come to this. I am going to try a mild bleach solution to sterilize my plants, I assume this will kill anything probably including half of the plants. I'll have to find a way to sterilize the substrate so I don;t have to buy new, the black sand was expensive. My lfs will get a huge load of sick fish, only fair since they sold me the sick apistos and left me out to dry after telling them about the first death.

Now I am breathing easier, instead of thinking of quitting, I have a proactive plan in case this doesn't work out.
What would you need to do to sterilize a tank and filter and remove any traces of parasites? Would I have to replace the sand? Would drying the black sand from my 46g in the sun kill anything off?

It really depends upon the sun, maybe the hot summer sun in Texas will do, but if you really want to be sure, better put it in your oven.

Bleach solutions for your tank and filter work but of course you need to replace your filter media after that.
Ohhhh the oven. :good:

I would have to cycle the filters again. There's no where I can get media, without bringing home a nice big fresh batch of diseases.

We'll see I guess. I have ich treatment in the 75g right now.

Would have been ncie to justt up the temp and add salt, I wouldn't have had to do huge water changes to remove the parasite antibiotics. Now the parasites aren't being treated.
That's true. I'll go have a read on silent cycles again. I am soooo tempted to just start over.
While my blood always pumps faster when I get the idea for a project...my hubby wants to stick it out for a month and try one last parasite med next week. It's literally the FINAL available antibiotic.

Medicines bought in a store have nothing on getting actually antibiotics that target the problem, without harming scaleless fish and staining the tank.

I would love to help all of these fish. I would also love to start over right now.
I did a big water change today to remove as much of the clout as I could, then I added some and removed a little more so it should be extremely diluted...the spot on the angelfish might not be ich, I saw no change in them and no other fish have a spot...with the temp at close to 86 I expected to see more spots or less.

I need to treat the parasites again, I can't leave it untreated, I am trying to use good sense in deciding when it's safe to add the antibiotics.

My water sprite is starting to dissolve into nothingness.I tried to prune it and plant the clippings, but the clippings are just dying. I think there is too much flow where I planted it and I think I need to move it to the left hand corner instead of the right...the cabomba would do better as well I think. hmm...Starting ovewr is so appealing...
You don't have enough plants for a silent cycle. I think the meds are killing your water sprite, sounds like the type of rot that comes from meds. I had my sprite literally blowing in the wind and it was fine.
duh. :blush:

I would add a bunch of stem plants if I did start over and only a few small fish. I would plan out and research the whole thing first anyway. I couldn't help that the apistogramma's had parasites when I brought them home, but I did make some beginner mistakes which made the whole situation worse. Not knowing what was wrong with them, and not being able to treat them correctly for one thing, and not realizing that my other tank was contaminated in time either. Plus a load of other things.

I haven't given up yet, but none of the fish are better except the last apisto, who eats with enthusiasm now.
more copper

Your going to just love this. :shifty: ...I have to copper my tanks, in conjunction with another medication to put in the food. I am really worried about my pl;ants. SOme of them I am not concerned with, the cabomba or bacopa...easily replaced that is and fast growers. But my Dwarf Lily will not make it through a copper treatment it barely makes it through a water change....Could I remove all of the leaves from the bulb and leave the bulb in a container of water until the treatment is over?

If this and the other food works, which I am hopeful, then the money I save in not having to replace all of my fish, can go toward some replacement plants. But what could I do to save some of the harder to find ones?
I just skimmed the thread and it looks like it came along quite nicely! Too bad about the ich, but how is it now?
Everything's still a mess. The apitos I bought after the fishless cycle had parasites and infected this tank and my 46g. I have a new plan of action though so I have hope.

This tank is in for an entire new planting once all of the fish are healthy.

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