For my '4 footer' tanks, like that 75 gallon, and my 90 gallon, I like to use two filters. Hanging power filters like Aquaclears and Emperors, and Canister filters like Eheims and Filstars, each have their own advantages. I like to use them both.
Canister: Slower flow, holds a ton of media, makes for excellent biological filtraiton.
Hanging: Stronger flow is great for mechanical filtration, design is great for introducing oxygen into the water.
Canisters range from not too expensive to very pricey. Eheims are expensive, and they are amazing. Filstars are fantastic filters at a very reasonable price. Fluvals are pretty cheap, and are decent for the money, but by no means great filters. I use the Eheim classics, they are much cheaper then the Pro versions, and just as effective (if not more)
For Hanging filters I like the Aquaclears. They have a very strong flow, they are very inexpensive, and they are very effective. They are more versatile then the other HOB filters. Emperors are good too, but I don't think the bio wheel is necessary along with the canister. Penguins are jut s flimsy version of the Emp.