Zoas and Yumas! But I'm not biased, I just happen to have a pico filled with them.
zoas are really high on my list .i will add a six line last. and a flasher and yellow may also be some additions . what about chalk bass?Sixlines can be aggressive little devils, leave it to last or near last if so..
But a McCoskers Flasher Wrasse is gorgeous(Paracheilinus mccoskeri)!!! I really love the Evasive Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus evanidus) and also the Yellow Wrasse (Helichoeres chrysus) which gets on with other wrasse is grat!!
me too . by the way anybody got ideas of how to rid myself of all of this hair algea. is there any additives or other fish i could use? because this stuff is prettyThat's great news congratz. Looking forward to some journaling.
hm i got it all off of the glass but i cant get it off of the rocks. i have an emerald crab and 7 turbo snails. maybe a lettuce nudibranch?
I would like to try a lettuce nudibranch because i know someone who swears by them. And i dont have anything to lose by it.
well one of my nightmares has come to life. cyano