75 Gallon Crash

Zoas and Yumas! But I'm not biased, I just happen to have a pico filled with them. :p
Sixlines can be aggressive little devils, leave it to last or near last if so..

But a McCoskers Flasher Wrasse is gorgeous(Paracheilinus mccoskeri)!!! I really love the Evasive Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus evanidus) and also the Yellow Wrasse (Helichoeres chrysus) which gets on with other wrasse is grat!!
Zoas and Yumas! But I'm not biased, I just happen to have a pico filled with them. :p

Sixlines can be aggressive little devils, leave it to last or near last if so..

But a McCoskers Flasher Wrasse is gorgeous(Paracheilinus mccoskeri)!!! I really love the Evasive Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus evanidus) and also the Yellow Wrasse (Helichoeres chrysus) which gets on with other wrasse is grat!!
zoas are really high on my list :lol: .i will add a six line last. and a flasher and yellow may also be some additions :shifty: . what about chalk bass?
That's great news :hyper: congratz. Looking forward to some journaling.
That's great news :hyper: congratz. Looking forward to some journaling.
me too :hyper: . by the way anybody got ideas of how to rid myself of all of this hair algea. is there any additives or other fish i could use? because this stuff is pretty :sick:
Remove as much manually as possible, keep your nitRATes and phosphates as low as possible... I like turbo snails and emerald crabs for that stuff too
hm i got it all off of the glass but i cant get it off of the rocks. :/ i have an emerald crab and 7 turbo snails. maybe a lettuce nudibranch?
hm i got it all off of the glass but i cant get it off of the rocks. :/ i have an emerald crab and 7 turbo snails. maybe a lettuce nudibranch?

No guarantee that the nudibranch will even touch the stuff. Some like halimeda, some like micro algae, some like something completely different. Better off with the emerald and turbos.

Some have used urchins with success too, but I'm not sold on it.

I'll get some more turbos and maybe another emerald or two if i can find them. I would like to try a lettuce nudibranch because i know someone who swears by them. And i dont have anything to lose by it.
I would like to try a lettuce nudibranch because i know someone who swears by them. And i dont have anything to lose by it.

I assume you mean Elysia species, which are not actually true Nudibranchs. If those are indeed what you're referring to then, well...you can loose the lettuce slug easily if you don't have the right food for it and don't have a stable tank. They are not a suitable method of control for any types of algae if that's what you're meaning and need a stable, well-established tank. However, they are very interesting animals to keep if you can support their diet, have strong light, and have absolutely NOTHING that would be tempted to take a bit out of their ruffles. More than one species is sold under the common name, so make sure you ID before you buy, research the diet accordingly, and have a good supply of appropriate food growing for them before you add one (what you have in your tank right now might not be accepted; you need to ID the algae too). They can usually be accommodated easily if you are able to grow one of their preferred types of macro in sufficient quantities or have a separate growing chamber or tank as a backup supply that the slug doesn't have access to unless it depletes the main tank. All power heads and other intakes must be protected by something like sponge or filter floss to avoid shredding the animal. Also be aware that the slugs' constant pricking and sucking on the algae can stress portions larger than just what has been fed on directly, so the slugs can cause sizable sections to bleach and die. I should also add that lettuce slugs are also not particularly long-lived animals, even when well-fed and kept safely.
well one of my nightmares has come to life. cyano :sick:

Don't sweat it. I had a feeling that that would happen as your tank struggles to get back to equilibrium. It'll get better, don't get discouraged. You know what you're doing, so just hunker down and do what you need to do.

One thing I could never tolerate with cyano (had it for a bit in my 36g) was the smell. One of the most cloying, disgustingly, sweet smells I've ever smelled. I hate it. :sick:

I dont know if you can get it in the US but we sell a product called Mycosidol (made my Colombo), its one of those.. read the lable and decided it would never work...

Then actually got a chance to try it out and the Cyano was gone within 24 hours! One extra dose to make sure and it nver came back!

Bearing in mind we had been struggling with cyano for over a month and it coated that sand and the rock and didnt matter what we did, if we stirred it up, you could see it growing back within the hour!!
yes llj it is a horrible smell :sick: .and MBOU, i could probably get it shipped overseas if it isnt sold in the u.s.

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