7 Foot, 1074 Litres, 284 Gallons.

seems to me it depends a lot on the individual ray in terms of how predatory they are
i have kept big motoros that would not catch anything and a small flower ray that would catch everything
sounds like you have a feisty one if its stealing fish

i wouldnt add a small tigrinus :D
yeah i suppose its like any fish really, they are all different in terms of character and behaviour. Didnt expect it to take my beloved red tailed shark though! Ha was about 5" and really fat! The guy said when i picked him up that he tried to jab him plenty of times so is definitely a feisty one! I am planning on a tigrinus in the near future so thats ok. Might get a shoal of big red hook dollars they get to a good size! I really wanted the denisoni barbs and although they get to 6", i bet theyd take their time getting there!
i started off with 8 denosoni in with my little rays now i have 1 left
could be the arowana picking them off tho im not sure
you would think they would be too fast to catch but they aint
i got my female marble last night she was a bit smaller than expected but looks nice
ah good stuff, hope he settles in well! will have to get some pictures of her once she settles! would the p14 not hybridize with her? probably get some quite nice looking rays out of that, a marbled p14? ha
think it will take a long time until she is ready to have pups maybe 1-2 years
its like most things with fish keeping, patience is the key! I always thought females matured before the males but seems not to be the case here, think it will be quite sone time before my female would be ready to breed. Once things are sorted will try and source a nice marble female to go with him, and try and get hold of a mature one!
Do you know what variant this guy is? Lee said clearbase but others say not!
i don't use the fancy names for rays

like p14 galaxy or royal aaaaaaaaa king super spot blue black marble with a bit of BS motoro

some just have more spots or better patterns than others
yeah i gathered from the responses on mfk! ha
he is doing alright anyway, eats a lot of food! the female ate loads yesterday aswel, i got a big bag of raw de-shelled king prawns from farmfoods the other day and they all seem to prefer them to any of the cooked prawns i have tried! makes sense really doesn't it, they wouldn't have cooked food in the wild would they!
im thinking about a peacock bass but im not sure which ones would be able to live in my tank, like max size's, although people do keep them in tanks smaller than mine, id like to go for the smallest one! i read a couple get to about 16" would that be the smallest?
can't wait until the scobina are ready! i hope she is pregnant and gives you some pups, at least we will know they are definitely back on track!
I really wanted the denisoni barbs and although they get to 6", i bet theyd take their time getting there!

I have 10 at the moment ranging from 2" to 6", I found that they do indeed take a while to grow, especially if you have mixed sizes becuase the smaller ones can lose out during feeding frenszies if you are not careful. They are fast fish, but night time is when they could be taken perhaps.
yeah, chears for that, i have decided against it now anyway, too many things going against them really, firstly they might get eaten, secondly they need cool water, mines at 29 Celsius, so not cool at all!
picking up 4 geo surinamensis at about 6" on friday so they should add a bit of life and colour!
also still looking for a nice flagtail prochilodus but no luck yet!
Any more pics of your rays recently? You still wanting an asian arowana or have you gone of the idea after having your silver? Theres one in AC for £300 ono, no sure if it's legit like, i've asked him for pics as he's in Lancaster so not far for either of us travel!

The picture is below , person's in Blackpool , he's got it down as a RTG spoonhead what you reckon of the quality?


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thats the guy me and T1 got our marbled motoros from in blackpool. Spoon head meens nothing, well looks to be a deformity more than anything. I had a look at it when i was there, its in a tank with a pair of marbled motoros and it kept going for them, quite bad really. It had gill curl, not too bad but it had it. And also had a deformed anal fin. Its not the best example and i wouldnt trust it in my tank! And i wouldnt want to give £300 for it. Maybe £200, or less as it is deformed. You can get good rtg's for that price so id just wait.
Not got any more pictures yet, been taking the sand out today as my water was going cloudy, its just bare for now but might find some nice fine gravel to put in it. Picking up 4 6 inch geophagus surinamensis on friday so will add a bit of colour!

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