65L Aquarium Journal

Brought some Root Balls off Trademe, instead of using Flourish. I may get Flourish Excel later on, if I have trouble with BBA ect.
Root bals.jpg
This should arrive later this week.... and I will order my plants this week or next!
Final list:
- Anubias Nana
-Windelov Java Fern
- Ambulia x2
- Cryptocoryne x2 
Root Balls should arrive by the end of the week, but just in case, I will order the plants next week. A bit more costly than first thought.
I am getting:
- 2 assorted Crypts at $9.90 each
- 1 Anubias Nana at $8.90
-2 Ambulia at $4.00 each
Sadly the place I am ordering from do not have laced java fern. I may try to get some elsewhere, as I do like its appearance. 
Ammonia seems to be getting lighter, still close to the 2.0ppm mark :) 
So the place im ordering from did not have any Windelov. After school I happened to search it on TradeMe (NZ's Ebay) and found a cupful for only $5.00. So, I'm also getting that in my plant list. 
May get the plants this week, depending on when my payment goes through

Root balls shipped today. Should be here tomorrow, or the day after :) Finally starting to get to the end of this! 
Ammonia is still 2.0ppm. Maybe I should start leaving the filter on 24/7...
AshleyNZ said:
So the place im ordering from did not have any Windelov. After school I happened to search it on TradeMe (NZ's Ebay) and found a cupful for only $5.00. So, I'm also getting that in my plant list. 
May get the plants this week, depending on when my payment goes through

Root balls shipped today. Should be here tomorrow, or the day after
Finally starting to get to the end of this! 
Ammonia is still 2.0ppm. Maybe I should start leaving the filter on 24/7...
i would leave it on if it is feasible it would certainly speed up the process :)
Sooooo.... after a nail-biting decision to let HFF ship the plants so close to the weekend, I was lucky, they arrived overnight :) Lovely packaging, looks like it was done with care. I thought there was only a handful's plants in there. Nope ;) 
I gottttt......
Anubias Nana
Soooo, added them to the tank :)
They look great and so does the tank C:
Looks good ash.
Those crypts should come back fine I think.
Still green. Speaking of green, my Anubias nana is already growing a new leaf :)
My crypts are dying (They look like they do, im aware this is "melting" or so I hope o_O )
My amublia is still continuing to grow, which is great :) 
Windelov arrived after three days in transit :/
The auction was for one cupful... I can say I have more than that!
I have 20 plants. I will attatch some to smaller offcuts of driftwood, and maybe sell some later on :)
well crap.jpg
Looking gorgeous! :D 3 days is fine IMO.
So i got lazy and didnt plant all of the windelov, but I have now. Here's a picture:
I think it looks wonderful. Glad they sent you extra :3

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