New Member
Hi everyone. Today I set up my first marine tank. I have a 55gallon tank which was given to me by a friend to use. I have a 300 watt Top fin heater, The tank came with a Whisper 600 and another smaller whisper system as well as an undergravel filter. I took it out and cleaned it completely today and it now sits in my room. I went to my lfs and discussed my filtration options. He strongly suggested getting a sump system. Im really confused as to the concepts and purpose of sumps. How much would one cost for a cheap diy tank and system? Could I survive right now with the Filtration system I have, I will be adding 3 profile 600 powerheads (2 to run the undergravel system). I will eventualy replace the whisper 600 with a penguin 350 by marineland. Would it be possible to add the sump system later when i can get more money for it. I will be starting out by getting LR in slow increments because it so darn expensive. How long will it be unitl I will need a skimmer and will a low end skimmer make due for now? For substrate I plan to mix 20 lbs live argonite and 20 lbs of finely crushed coral for ph? Should this ammount cover my needs? Any equipment suggestions are greatly appreciated. Pics tomorrow when I start filling!