Also, could I add my Ropefish and Spotted Rafeal Catfish in the tank now? It's been running for about 3 or 4 days, but, the Tetras who are cycling it out are doing great so, I think the idea of adding filter media "juice" was a good idea and it's sppeding up the cycle rapidly. I'm also adding StressZyme in small proportions daily. I am going to get a couple more Spotted Rafeal Catfish soon to add to the tank. Here is my list of inhabitants I'll definately be gettting:
-"Blue" Gudgeon
-My Rope fish will be added
-My Spottted Rafeal will be added, along with about two more
-A senegalus Bichir
I'm very concerned about cycling. I cannot do a fishless cycle for a few reasons. One, I seriously have NO time to do something like this. Sure, maybe on the weekends, but, this process requires daily procedures that take up a lot of time. Two, I've already started the tank up with cycle fish. Now, I thought I would be fine adding filter media bacteria, the fish, the driftwood from my very established 30 gallon, and StressZyme. But, after doing a bit of research in the "Begginers Qestions" section, I found that one cycle took about two MONTHS to accomplish, where as I want mine done in about a week!

I'm not sure if this person used thigs from matured tanks but, I'm quite worried about this. I may be able to get some gravel from my matured tank, but, it doesn't have a lot to give.
I did some tests and here are the results:
-Ammonia: around .10
Ite: 0
-Need to buy a test kit for Natrate
And the Ph was about 7.2
I'm very worried that if I put in my Gudgeon and Ropefish and Reafeal Cats, they will be hurt form this cycle.