no no fish, but it sure is cycling pretty quick though.
a couple more days and were ready for hermit crabs and a few snails maybe
remember my dad wants a lame *** setup, so its not gonna look good. one somewhat tiny anemone with 2 clown fish, honesly if he wanted that he shouldnt have gotten large live rock just 20lbs of small live rock and that way youd actually see the anemone. (keep in mind this is what might work)
o and we visited the lfs and the guy said 4-6 fish as long as they dont reach more than 3"? with coral and no protein skimmer?
if you wanted this and asked in the marine section theyd say no so i say no and my dad still beleaves the lfs guy.
now bcak to the freshwater lol
how many fish should i add at once? the tanks been cycled since wednesday so maybe this wednes day pick up 3-4 bosemani's and then order the last 2 for next week? then order id say 3 sterbai for the next and then the last 3 after that and then order the chocolat chiclid for the week after that? but before i get the chocolate ill get another filter to handle the bioload.
hey nelly, how much do you think a juvie hypselecara cost?
i only have 156$ left so hope its low lol