more coral guys, it is xenia this time and it looks lovely! im acclimating it right now.
this week is finals so no hw just studying and ill get pics this weekend i promise, if not pm me as many times till i do lol.
the molly has gotten tons fatter and the male preacox rainbow has gotten huge! 3x larger than the females.
the boesemani rainbows have also gotten larger and the catfish is 4" now and not fat so he is stunning! he is also coming out in the day now.
micro sword not doing too well, ill be replacing it with narow leaf chain swords which are mini mes compare to amazon swords, they look just like the micro sword, AND they are easier to take care of and grow.
speaking of amazon swords, mine has sprouted yet ANOTHER funner of 3 more plants, the older 3 i have 1 in the sand and the other 2 are still floating till their roots get bigger.
the rest of the coral is leather, shrooms and bubble coral.
clown fish are doing well, we definatley have a future pair on our hands.
and sorry, but the zoa is really button polyps, they are similar except the polyps are one big creature were as the zoa are individual stalks. and bt its growing! there have been 10 new polyps and there are 20 or so still growing.
after this week ill definatley be stocking up the 55 some more! finish off the rainbow school so they'll stop schooling with the smaller ones (it looks funny) and get those blasted corys, honestly the last serbai i saw was 9 years ago and i WANT them soo bad!
p.s. somebody better post here cuz im kinda bored updating and noone reading