55 And 20 Gallon Journal


here are what he tanks look like as of december 31st

diagnol view of 55

side view (you can tell the tank is still a bit murky, but half of it was me plantin the swords)

back view, i have not enough plugs to plug things into, so half the light is out, and the 20 gal. filter didnt fit, so i subsituted 1 new cartridge with the cycled one. this will still provide the same results? it should


and my awseome new 20 gallon tank!!!

the store closed earlier than we anticipated... so the salt water will resume one saturday.

the fish are all fine, alittle pale from the move but other than that just fine, its interesting to note that ALL the fish including the tiny raph was shoaling together.(till the kitty found his home on the other end lol)
today the fish are still fine, colored up more, and have seperated their big bubble of fish to species schools, guess their not as scared now. the molly cant stop pickin at the sand so dont know whats goin on there.

happy new years day people!

turns out the store was open today!!

so we got both 20 pounds of live sand and rock.
a koralia power head with 400gph
15 gallons of premixed salt water

unfortunatley i didnt get the bosemani rainbows, the guy said i had a little bit of ammonia?
and another unfortunately, my dad didnt let me do a wc to lower it, he forced me to use an ammonia nutralizer we got before i joined here.

on the upside i have pics and im ordering 2 test kits (replacement for me and one for the saltwater)

looks like some-one's had fun :angry:

Look at me. Im shattered its half 12 of a night i have coursework witch is in for monday! and Everythings going topsytuvery,
UGH! you lucky son of a.... my marine "project" isn't even off the ground!

im loving the aquascaping. looks amazing :good: so what's your stock list again?

and knox, i know you you feel i have a 16 page paper due on wed, and ive written 1 page :blush:
it's gunna be a fun weekend :crazy:
my mom did the aquascaping so it would "flow" with the room lol

stockin is

fire fish - 2nd
clownfish - 3rd
tail-spot blennie - 4th
orange lined cardinal fish - 5th
2cleaner shrimp - 6th
various hermits and snails - 1st addition
mushrooms - 7th
leather coral - 8th
bubble coral - 10th
another coral- 11th
another coral- 12th
another coral- 13th

however we cant YET cuz we are missing

protein skimmer
now my dad says he doesnt want a protein skimmer, so now we can only get 1/2 the fish with coral or all the fish with no coral.

he doesnt even want macro algae, so unless there is a way to keep phosphates and nitrates down without doing constant weekly water changes of 50%, the list will then be

percula clown fish
fire fish
leathr coral
cleaner shrimp
not as many hermit crabsand snails
i got a ton of hw my 8th grade teachers don't give to hoots if it a "break"i have a project i have to do on the great american poet carl sandburg,

why do you have a pic of obama up?
its techniqually not obama, its me, when im impatient lol

and im not black fyi, its the best pic i could find and the videos ive seen it included were too inapropriate

yeah.. im tinkin hes being tarded too, he told me hes not spendin alot of $ on a fishtank

and i told him, well why did you pick saltwater if i told you its gonna be expensive!

hes goin on what the lfs people told him (yeah you just need the live sand and rock, and a power head and you can have like (one said 2 and the other said 6-10<== but this guy didnt know we werent gonna have a good setup with the protein skimmer and macroalgae)and then you could have 2-3 corals with the 50/50 lighting.) i KNEW this was to good to be true and this is why i started a thread to get the details, but now he thinks you guys are retarded when actually you have nothing to lose or gain so you are most eligable to give the correct advice.

do you think i should just let him do whatever and suffer the consequences of expensive dead fish and coral?

were heading out after we take down christmas lights to get the water test kits as amazon has them cheap but shipping makes them more expensive.

ill see if i can get a better pic snce the tank cleared up later.

and the salt list changed to 2 clowns instead of 1 and a fire-fish
ok... final list for my dads tank

2 clowns
1 anemone
2 shrimps

yay....... :sad:

any way i tested mmy water for the first time of the new year and

ammo. 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 20
ph 7.6

and the 2 rainbows are still there (shame, theyve been there since nov.) so they are mine!1 and im ordering more so there will be 6.

my dad wanted to add fish on the 2nd day of life in his tank, heres his test results

ammo. 0
nitrites 10-20
nitrates 10

haha for him!

and i also got meself some micro sword! i will post pics tomorra!

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