5.5 Gallon Nano Update: 2-18-07: End Of The Road

Ok thanks a lot, I wasn't sure what it was but I didn't think it was any type of plant that should be on it. How should I remove it, should I rip the roots off that I can't peel off? Also do you know where I should plant it, in the front, middle, or back? In other words with common names it's a type of sword right? so medium to strong light?

thanks a lot

Some stats

Current Stock:
1 CT betta
4 oto's

Elite stingray 5 internal filter (ugh hate internal, might change it later, good filter though)

Elite HOB 25w heater

Weekly tetra florapride for now, might upgrade to better ferts later

None now, might DIY later or nutrafin kit

Small gravel (not sure on size but couldn't find any small bag of eco-complete

one 10w cp bulb (wal-mart type, lfs was out of all-glass aquarium type, will buy one of those when they get them)

1 crypt
Unsure on others, possible sword, hygro


P.S. anybody know how to remove the plant from the driftwood? thanks
I would just take the plant off as cafefully as I could, and try not to damage it too much.
I moved the plants around a bit, sorry those decorations ruin it but my sister wants them in and it's her tank so for now they have to stay :crazy: will remove them next time I take a picture.

Here's a whole tank shot

Here's the middle of the tank

Here's the left side of the tank, anybody know what the plant on the far left is and the plant on the right next to the cambomba, it's bright green with lots of leaves?

Comments and suggestions are welcomed :good:


I think it could use a few more plants, but not much. Looks good though, nice work! :good:
I can't decide which background I like better, should I go for the blue or black? :dunno:

Black background

Blue background

Thanks for your opinions :good: , and yes the little tank ornements are going too, my sister wanted them in for a little so I let her
So I went to my lfs picked up more tubing so I wouldn't worry about not having enough and an extra check valvue just in case, went next door and picked up a syringe and pop bottle at rite-aid, now i just need to set it up, hopefully tonight, will post pics of it setup and week 2 of tank too.


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Here's an updated picture, swords are growing well, stem plants a little slow so waiting for them to grow more to make the tank more filled. Co2 system is up but haven't made the mixture yet, doing it tonight. Anybody know if it's ok to have that drip loop? :dunno: any comments/suggestions/criticism :good: Does the co2 hookup look good?

thanks :good:


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Here's a picture after I setup the co2 on tuesday. In two days some of the faster growing plants have grown more than they have in the week and a half I'v had them. I love this stuff it's amazing. Will post 2week update pics in a bit, busy with studying :book: for midterms now.

comments/critizism wanted :good:

any questions :dunno:

:thanks: for looking


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