40 Gallon Layout

Naw its not complicated at all, probably easier if you have a couple of tanks on the go because you dose them all the same solution, 1ml per every 10 gallons, you just have 2 solutions on the go, a trace mix (CSM tropica whatever you like) and a Macro mix, thats it, so in this tank I dose 4ml of the macro mix each day and 4ml of the trace mix each day, in my case im using CSM on this tank for trace, if you use tropica or something else store bought you just dose what it says on the label, the CSM formula Edward uses is a very watered down version, so no prob dosing 4ml per day.

Its easier on the fish as well @15ppm CO2, gonna try it anyway, more than one way to skin a cat!! not convinced dumping in lots of ferts each week via EI is nescessary, this is going to be lean dosing, very lean, just enough for the plants each day, will let you know how it works out in this tank, growth will probably be a bit slower doing it this way but thats fine by me, should know pretty quick @2.8WPG if its good or not.

This tank is only setup a couple of days so just cranking up the light right now, doing 4 hours @2.8WPG and 6 hours @1.4WPG will increase it gradually over the next week when the rest of the plants are in, should pick them up tomorrow.

Quick edit, main advantage over EI for me anyway is you DO NOT have to do a 50% water change each week to dump out the excess ferts because with this method you are not adding excess in the first place, so this method should be more forgiving for the lazy aquascaper (me) :nod:
What happened?

Well good karma prevailed ICEEGRL and this tank went on to win the 2007 PFK aquascaping competition for the over 60cm category, so it was all good.

This is how the layout looked when it was finished.


Thanks for asking, sorry I didn't get back to you sooner.
Hello?What happened?
Well good karma prevailed ICEEGRL and this tank went on to win the 2007 PFK aquascaping competition for the over 60cm category, so it was all good.This is how the layout looked when it was finished.
Thanks for asking, sorry I didn't get back to you sooner.
Hi Zig, congratulations on winning the pfk contest really nice set up well done, regards john.
Hello?What happened?
Well good karma prevailed ICEEGRL and this tank went on to win the 2007 PFK aquascaping competition for the over 60cm category, so it was all good.This is how the layout looked when it was finished.
Thanks for asking, sorry I didn't get back to you sooner.
Hi Zig, congratulations on winning the pfk contest really nice set well done, regards john.
I don't think it was possible for you NOT to win with that hardscape. It was awesome without the plants in May, and it looks even better with them.

Congrats! :good:
Thankyou John your own tank is coming along nicely.

Thanks a million llj nice to hear coming from a long established (and accomplished may I add) member, thankyou.

Dev Thankyou. Yes a plant list would be good, you are correct of course there is no moss in the foreground planting. The right hand side foreground is HC and more to the left is Eleocharis parvula (hairgrass)

Here is the plant list.

Taxiphyllum barbieri (Vesicularia) Java moss
Bolbitis heudelotii
Microsorum pteropus
Microsorum pteropus Narrow
Monosolenium tenerum
Rotala sp.
Hydrocotyle verticillata
Hemianthus callitrichoides ''Cuba''
Pogostemon helferi
Vallisneria sp.
Cryptocoryne parva
Cryptocoryne wendtii ''green''
Eleocharis parvula
Eleocharis sp.

Thanks very much everyone, I was surprised and at the same time delighted to win it was a great honour for me. Thankyou.
what lighting are you using and how long has this tank been set up for

Hello Ark, this tank uses 2x55W ASL power compacts, the lighting is nothing special, I believe they do not make these lamps any longer.

This tank has been running for over 2 years but this layout was started in mid May 2007 for the competition.

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