40 Days, Cycle Won't Start, Help!

Well, I don't like to travel too far so they would have to be very close. I will probably have more luck asking around my neighbours or local community, but I'm not ready to start begging yet :)

Anyway there is some compensation in getting to test my theories and learn more about the cycling process by getting to experimentally watch it from scratch. I would like to see that happen. If it doesn't work again, well, there's only so long I can stare at an empty tank!

What area of the uk are you?
Near Reading :)
The deed is done now.  Tank is stripped and cleaned, I've done all those nasty things to my biofilter that you're never supposed to do and left it to soak in a tub of chlorinated water overnight.   Play sand has been dumped back outside.
The tank is re-filled, dechlorinated and slowly coming up to room temperature.  I'll plug the heater and filter back in tomorrow and see how much ammonia the dechlorinator has produced before I add the Biomature.
I was surprised at the amount of limescale caked over everything, I had to to use some distilled white vinegar to scrub it off.  I guess that's a combination of my hard water and adding sodium bicarbonate into the tank.  I think I'll have to keep wiping the tank every couple of days to keep it under control.
Day 1 of new cycle!  Ammonia at 1ppm. 
I'm not touching it now until it's all gone.
Day 3, not much is happening.  Ammonia still around 1ppm.
There's a bit of white dirt on the surface of the water which I presume is a bacterial film.  So it looks like some bacteria are appreciating my efforts, just not the ones I want.
Good luck, Fongers crissed!
I'm crissing my fongers too!  ;)
daizeUK said:
Well, I don't like to travel too far so they would have to be very close.  I will probably have more luck asking around my neighbours or local community, but I'm not ready to start begging yet

Anyway there is some compensation in getting to test my theories and learn more about the cycling process by getting to experimentally watch it from scratch.  I would like to see that happen.  If it doesn't work again, well, there's only so long I can stare at an empty tank!
Not sure this is much help as I'm still a relative novice but here's a log I did of my fishless cycle (http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/366477-phils-fishless-cycle/)
With regards to sending filter media I would be willing to post some but wouldn't have a clue how to do it (bagged up and sealed to keep moisture in?!) - let me know if you're interested and I can try and figure out a way of getting it down to you (I'm based in Manchester!)......
Good luck with your 'revised' cycle.......hope it finally works for you
I threw in the bin a 4 litre bowl full of matured filter floss the other day. Such a waste really. It would have cycled several small tanks.
snazy said:
I threw in the bin a 4 litre bowl full of matured filter floss the other day. Such a waste really. It would have cycled several small tanks.
I'm sure Daize will be very pleased to know that.....
the_lock_man said:
I threw in the bin a 4 litre bowl full of matured filter floss the other day. Such a waste really. It would have cycled several small tanks.
I'm sure Daize will be very pleased to know that.....
I offered the other week before I did it but he didn't say anything
philrag & snazy - Aw it's really sweet of you to offer to post me stuff.  I really appreciate the kind thoughts.  I never really thought about sending media through the post because it's been so cold recently, the temperature was dropping to zero overnight and I think that's when the bacteria starts to die off, so I don't think it would be worth your trouble. 
I'm happy to leave the tank running for about a week and a half and see what turns up, if nothing happens then I will probably look at swapping the BioMature out for some simple ammonia and I might try some of the products that TTA recommended.  It will be interesting to see what works and what doesn't.
You are better off sending some gravel or sand from the surface of your substrate than sending gunked up floss.Floss is an awful home for bacteria which, if it colonizes, wont last long. The floss is designed to trap solid waste which clogs it up and is why it needs changing very often.
Clogged material does not deliver ammonia. nitrite, oxygen or carbonate very well to any bacteria unlucky enough to try and make a home there.
Also, you can send media in cold weather the same way you would ship fish. All you need is a small styro and a heat pack.
Yeah, I agree. Floss may not be the best thing to send but is not as heavy as gravel or sand. I actually changed all the floss at one go from the external filter and although I did notice some fish flicked for a day, it wasn't detectable on the ammonia test so it was a minor spike considering it was really 4L of floss. The best is some of the bio ceramics(balls/noodles) in the externals. I setup my betta tank with a handfull of them from my other filter and it was instantly cycled literally.

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