35L Arc Tank


Echinodorus Red Devil added to both, background plant in the left tank and mid in the right. Both are sprouting nice red leaves now!
Got one of these tanks and a whole heap of nic fry for next to nothing with another 2.5ft tank thrown in on Wednesday.
I like how you've set them up side by side, looks really well.
Love the rock but I cannot seem to justify spending money on rock when I have so much white/pink granite available for free.
I've still not got into dosing ferts yet but your tanks have really taken off with it.
Good job.
Nice find micko, sounds like a bargain!

They are pretty cheap tanks, for £50 with a filter and light thrown in, you cant really go wrong. The 11W Arc Pod lights are something like £25 to buy on their own, might as well buy a whole setup for that sort of cash.

The tanks seem to do fine with the ferts and I've never ever had any algae in any of my tanks, touch wood may that continue.

Plant hunting at lunchtime today, need to replace that vallis with something more.... plant like. :D

I recently purchased 2 male Triple red caca's and spent last weekend hunting around for a female for each. Unfortunately then are not Triple red like the males but they will still breed, so i thought i would give them a go

The pair in the left tank have spawned and the guys in the right tank are looking like they will soon....

I've got 10 Ember tetras in the left and 10 celestial pearl danios on the right to act as dither fish.

Not really doing well on the plant front, i've let both tanks run away a little and algae has been building up on the right tank, i've decided to leave this and let it happen so there is a food source for the young Rabbit snails i've got, which i'm moving to this tank to grow a little.
Hope they tolerate your CPD's, could be an expensive spawn otherwise.
Hope they tolerate your CPD's, could be an expensive spawn otherwise.

Was gonna say that aswell... Wish i could afford to have a shoal of one of the most expensive £ for lb fish i have seen as dithers... :rolleyes:

Tanks are looking good and i am not jealous about the Cacs spawning one bit... :grr:
I have never witnessed anything like Cacs spawning...once my fry disappeared the female went berserk. I saw her pick off 3 neons in the matter of 30 seconds, ripping the tail and most of its back end off in one fail swoop. I will never trust cichlids again.

tanks are looking nice though mate!
Not much to report!


Apistos moved to my 5 footer, Cherry shrimp and CPDs breeding in the right hand tank, Orange Betta added to left hand tank with the Ember Tetras, 4 Ottos in each tank, done an excellent job on algae that was building up....Rabbit snails now living in the right hand tank with 2 babies!

Plant wise, not much added really, got an Amazon Sword recovering at the back left corner of the left tank, got battered in my big tank by clown loaches....Sag is going really well, lots of new leaves! Java moss added to the right hand tank for cpds and shrimp to breed and feed in...oh and some floating plants added, cant recall what they were lol. :D

Need to fish out the coconuts, no fish in there that will use them really.

Contemplating some more Orange Sunkist Shrimp for the left tank, i have one left out of the 6 i got originally, not sure what knocked them off but i'd like to get some more. They look ace with orange/ember tetras and an orange Betta.


One problem i do have, which isnt huge at the moment, is the java moss in the right hand tank is a mix of green hair algae (i think) and moss, here:


Im not quite sure what to do about it, its quite nice for the shrimp and cpds to lay eggs in, but i'd like to keep on top of it.

Maybe a weeks total blackout?
Counted 19 little shrimp in there this morning before work, thanks to Steve for those guys as he send me the Shrimp months ago and it looks like they have matured nicely. Well, those that are left after the Apisto attack :D
Tanks are looking great matey. I would remove the moss and put it in a glass and put it in a cupboard for a few days. 4-5 should do it. :good:

Glad the Shrimp are taking off for you, once they start the never stop!! :hyper:
One small issue, its full of CPD eggs and shrimp eggs! :D

I think its bin liner blackout time!

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