Not much to report!
Apistos moved to my 5 footer, Cherry shrimp and CPDs breeding in the right hand tank, Orange Betta added to left hand tank with the Ember Tetras, 4 Ottos in each tank, done an excellent job on algae that was building up....Rabbit snails now living in the right hand tank with 2 babies!
Plant wise, not much added really, got an Amazon Sword recovering at the back left corner of the left tank, got battered in my big tank by clown loaches....Sag is going really well, lots of new leaves! Java moss added to the right hand tank for cpds and shrimp to breed and feed in...oh and some floating plants added, cant recall what they were lol.
Need to fish out the coconuts, no fish in there that will use them really.
Contemplating some more Orange Sunkist Shrimp for the left tank, i have one left out of the 6 i got originally, not sure what knocked them off but i'd like to get some more. They look ace with orange/ember tetras and an orange Betta.
One problem i do have, which isnt huge at the moment, is the java moss in the right hand tank is a mix of green hair algae (i think) and moss, here:
Im not quite sure what to do about it, its quite nice for the shrimp and cpds to lay eggs in, but i'd like to keep on top of it.
Maybe a weeks total blackout?