Small Update:
Nano 1:
Put some vallis in there and a few more crypt cuttings, sag is doing really well and all plants are sprouting new leaves weekly. I dont plan to keep the vallis in this one, just keeping my eyes out for plants that might suit. Bit skint this month so just making do with what i have. Fish wise, the Dwarf Rasboras are down to 4, very very fragile fish
On a brighter note, 10 Ember Tetras have a new home
Aponogeton ulvaceus is going bananas in my 90 litre tank and flower stems are starting to break the surface:
This tank has my breeding Bronze Corys in it, yes there are eggs on the glass
Cant make my mind up what to do with it. Corys are keeping the filter ticking over
|Its a dumping ground for excess plants and fish at the moment
Nano 2:
More Vallis and great growth in Limnophila sessiliflora cuttings i had, these were tiny when i put them in, no more than an inch each, both are 6 inches now and have new stems sprouting sideways.
More sag in here as it was dying off in my big tank, plan to get moss on rocks along the front.
Found 3 Rams today to put in there, they are smaller than my Honey Gouramis at the moment, will eventually go into the 90 litre i think
Cherry Shrimp from Steve doing really well in here, the young ones are now much bigger and I'm half expecting them to increase in numbers very soon.