3 fantail goldfish.


New Member
Aug 6, 2003
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i currently have 3 small fantail goldfish in a 10 gallon tank with an undergravel filter. i know they grow bigger, but what is a good sized tank to keep 3 goldfish in? i was thinking about getting a 20 gallon tall tank, and a whisper filter (one of the waterfall ones with the bag), on top of the undergravel. is 20 gallons enough for 3 goldfish? any other suggestions? like what kind of decor they enjoy? currently they only have some plants and a bridge.
Go for as big a tank as you can afford. Fantails can get very big, and are very messy fish.
ive heard 10 gallons a inch but i dont think this is compleaty true just get as big as you can go your probley fin how it is just have 2 do more water changes
goldfish are massive they are meant for a pond.fishstores won`t tell you this,they`re in it for thr money only :eek: .................PS: the inch per gallon is for small breed fish only.You can`t put a 5" glodfish in a 5 gal tank,it`ll be like you living you life out in a small bathroom :crazy:
lordmoose said:
MaryPa said:
goldfish are massive they are meant for a pond.
Goldfish can be perfectly happy in a large tank.
Sure but this guy was suggesting keeping 3 of them in a 20 gallon tank. I often think that for goldies a pond is best because in a tank you may only be able to have three in a 45 gallon tank, the tanks tend to look pretty bare, especially since the goldfish will eat and uproot and plants you try to put in :) If you want to have them then go for it but they'll soon grow too large for a 20 gallon even. You're on the right tracks by wanting to upgrade and I commend you lots because you can keep a lot of tropicals in a 20 gallon but for goldies you just have to go bigger!
lordmoose said:
Go for as big a tank as you can afford. Fantails can get very big, and are very messy fish.

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