29gallon Fish Only Nano Diary


Fish Gatherer
Mar 27, 2007
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Alright, so as some of you may know by reading my earlier post, I'm now going to be setting up a saltwater, fish only, tank :) I check the Salinity and SG last night, 30PPT salinity, 1.022 SG, same stats this morning meaning that all is well in the tank :) I'm using an acuaclear 50 on the tank that I got from my old freshwater tank. Hopfully will help in cycling :) I'll post pics of the tank when I get back from school... that's all for now folks :D
Alright, so I got pics now :p

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Random shell that came with the sand... Should I take the shell out? or leave it in???
What are you planning for aquascaping?

I saw at a couple of fish stores selling fake live rock. It looks JUST like live rock but it is plastic.
Looks nice but you might want to put some background where the sunlight comes in, might cause some bad algae. My tank is like that but I haven't gotten any algae yet.
I'll be adding live rock to it for sure... and yeah, backrounds coming on friday lol
Ahh, so you're getting a FOWLR. From your first post it sounded like you were making a FO tank.
Thanks :p the stands actually a Topfin 29gallon stand :) Pretty common in places like Petsmart (that's where I got it from)

Oh, forgot to ask... how my LR should I have in this tank?
Hehe, if he's talkin about petsmart, he lives in the states somewheres. ~29-30 lbs. More will be difficult to aquascape in a tank with that footprint. Try and get pieces that are longer and thinner as opposed to boulder pieces. Will make your life easier :)
Thanks much :) and I you were close with your guess :p I live in Canada... not the US :D much better :p why you ask? Free health care :p

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