29 Gallon Stocking After Winter Storm

I'm heading off to bed now, so you'll have to add me, and i'll accept you as a friend in the morning
hey can you look at my 20g stocking to see if I could add more barbs,tetras,and corys?
I'd say you could add another two of everything... Ghost shrimp, you could add another five though, they clean more than they dirty, so it's good to have a good amount of them
you could have it stocked like this...
6 - Tiger barbs
4 - Red eyes
4 - Leopard corys
8 - Ghost shrimp
alright then randy thanks alot I can seem to figure out msn?Could you get AIM by any chance?
Weeeell, AIM makes no sence to me... but i got er' working... If you can get msn figured out, that'd be wikked sweet, lol
I know im trying to get it to work
Do you know of any cheap and good lights for a 29g planted?
I know im trying to get it to work
Do you know of any cheap and good lights for a 29g planted?
only lights i got are for a 10 and 15 gallon... which aren't being used atm, but will be whenever i manage to get a new heater
I was just asking you if you knew of any good brands of lights, that would be good for a 29g planted tank and are cheap?Do you do live plants?
Sorry for the delay, power's been going on and off in this snow storm for the last three days :|
and about the light, I don't do plants atm, but i'm currently working on getting rid of some of my fish so then i can restock my 30 gallon and make it a planted tank
ok,You are having a snow storm?I live in kentucky(USA)no snow storm here
Ok I know this is an old topic but I have to ask just a few more questions so here it goes-
My current stocking
8-harlequin rasbora
5-glolight tetra
4-peppered corys
1-upside down catfish

I was wondering if I could add
2 more peppered corys
6 pristella tetras

I have a whisper 20-40 filter and I will be adding another filter that is rated for atleast 40 gallons

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