250l Tropical Planted Tank

double post i know, however, i have an update..

The co2 system is in and working. I have it set currently at about 5 - 6 bubbles a min (aka, one every 10 sec) just to see how things react to it...

I also decided to get a few new plants with the tank and cut a lot of the low lying stuff back to increase the amount of light. I think you will notice a large difference between my last shoot and this one...

In addition to the new plants, i got some guppies. 2 male and 4 female...

hope you enjoy the photo\\\'s.

The new looking tank.


one of the plants.. pennywong

My beautiful platties

right hand side of the tank

pearl Gourami and a tetra

platties again

my big fat, (shy) boy :)

feeding time :p

sun set gourami... isn\\\'t he beautiful?

Male guppy

female guppies, male guppies, angles, fire gourami and a pearl

and again

male and female guppies

angle fish

angle\\\'s and plattie

electronic defuser

and that is my new set up.. hope you like, and yes, i know, i left the backing on, i will take it off when i find a store that does not sell only this crappy fake, pictures and some of the black.
Hey guys.

Sorry about the delay in pics, work has been absolutely painful at the moment, so i had to kind of deal with that first.

Right tank... well, i think you will agree that a lot has changed since my last posting... And i must say, i think it has changed for the better. I upgraded my lighting to 4 T5 reflectors that have made a world of difference i must say... and the Co2 system is in full swing. I have finally got the hang of the system and managing co2 levels. pain in the ass that was, but oh well.

I decided to modify my Co2 reactor a little bit seeing that it wasn't doing a good enough job... well at least i thought that, but now i am almost getting 85 - 90% absorption rate, so thats good.

Now i do apologise for the lack in pic quality, however, i was in a rush and it's kind of late here and i have work tomorrow :p

i hope you enjoy the new updates :)







Hmm... guppies... pregnant much :p

I hope you liked... i will be adding a few more things soon... a new bead of something and a few new crustaceans that i think you will like :D
deff. now i'm looking for a low lying plant, something that will grow into a bead of carpet to cover a lot of my tank... any suggestions?
deff. now i'm looking for a low lying plant, something that will grow into a bead of carpet to cover a lot of my tank... any suggestions?

eleocharis acularis or parvula
hemianthus callitrichoides
glossostigma elatinoides

the last 2 are slightly harder to grow.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm so Envious, Love the set up, I'm saving up for a larger tank, just got to convince the other half we dont need the armchair. :thumbs:
a bigger tank means more opportunities and such... i highly recommend it and thanks for the great comments everyone :)
got my blue discus today... BOOYA!!! and guess what, i'm all ready in love :wub:

pics up soon... i cant take my eyes off him... literally been staring at him for hours now... oh well off to bed
ok. so here we go...

first off, a pic of the tank... have not had a chance to cut it back this week, or re landscape it... the plants are just growing out of control!

anyway... the tank


And the new Discus... isn't he hansom?







I also got 3 Darwin algae eating shrimp, however i seem to have lost them in the dense shrubbery that i have going... :)

hope you like because i know i do...
I love it! The new Discus is really nice. Are you considering getting him some friends? I have some of that "pennywong" myself. lol
I am indeed... i was thinking beteween the fire dragon discus and the gold tiger disucs... SO MANY CHOICES!!! :hyper:

what would you people suggest?
Wow, I found this thread in the planted tank forum and I must say, I absolutely love your tank. Makes me want to upgrade mine and get more plants and a CO2 system etc etc.!

to be honest. the fire dragon discus are absolutely stunning!!! :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
and your blue one is amazing!!! :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
i think your blue one and a fire dragon one would stand out sooo much in your tank!!!
by the way your tank and fish look great!!
i envy your tank :lol:
i wish i could have a bigger tank. i would love to get some discus. theyre just beautiful. :good:
BTW, what size tank is this?

Thank you and my tank size is the standard 3ft tank... i am hoping to go to 5 ft soon... maybe or step into the realm of the reef aquarium

to be honest. the fire dragon discus are absolutely stunning!!! :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
and your blue one is amazing!!! :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
i think your blue one and a fire dragon one would stand out sooo much in your tank!!!
by the way your tank and fish look great!!
i envy your tank :lol:
i wish i could have a bigger tank. i would love to get some discus. theyre just beautiful. :good:

thank you... I have new additions in the regards to fish and such, but i shall have to post them to you tomorrow.

Thanks for all of the comments people :)

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