250l Tropical Planted Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys. I'm new here, but i have been a long time enthusiast for tropical Aquariums.

First things first, my name is Alex Carter, and i live in Melbourne, Australia.

Ok... so getting down to the tank.

Currently set up is:


3 Palestinian Loaches
2 Angle Fish
2 Pearl Gouramis
1 Fire Gouramis
1 Sun Gouramis
1 Blue Gouramis
2 Platies
2 Silver tetra's

The tank.












:lol: @ nelly!

Beautiful tank, beautiful fish and fantastic photos!

And :hi: to the forum.
this tank is class! :good: brought a new idea into my head you have. ive never thought about placing plants in the middle of the tank and having a good space around the bush if thats what you wanna call it lol top idea there! and it looks great :fun:

With so much in the way of nice healthy plants, you don't need that background picture - I would go for plain black or dark blue to show them off well

Nice tank though! :)
this tank is class! :good: brought a new idea into my head you have. ive never thought about placing plants in the middle of the tank and having a good space around the bush if thats what you wanna call it lol top idea there! and it looks great :fun:


I was thinking the same thing. Simple idea but looks great. O and welcome :)
Thanks for the feed back and the positive comments :)

What camera are you using?

The camera that i am using is a D70S with Macro Lens and UV filter, the standard 70mm lens, and the 20mm wide shot lens with 70mm UV filter again. :) hope that helps. I have seen a few of your shots, what camera are you using?

With so much in the way of nice healthy plants, you don't need that background picture - I would go for plain black or dark blue to show them off well

Nice tank though! :)

I actually might try that... I think Black would go better, break up the white substrate and make the green of the plants look a bit more defined :) :drinks:

While i'm at it, i might as well put up the ones from about 5 months ago when i had just changed over the substrate.












The camera that i am using is a D70S with Macro Lens and UV filter, the standard 70mm lens, and the 20mm wide shot lens with 70mm UV filter again. smile.gif hope that helps. I have seen a few of your shots, what camera are you using?

My most recent sshots (31st December and onwards) are shot with a Fuji S5700. All the others before that date are took with a rubbish compact camera :rolleyes:
My most recent sshots (31st December and onwards) are shot with a Fuji S5700. All the others before that date are took with a rubbish compact camera :rolleyes:

Any idea on what lens you are using?

and yeah, they are, except for the pearls... god.. they do the complete opposite... I tried to get a shot of them interacting with each other using their whiskers(?) it looks like they are kissing... very unusual... anyone have and ideas as to why?
My most recent sshots (31st December and onwards) are shot with a Fuji S5700. All the others before that date are took with a rubbish compact camera :rolleyes:

Any idea on what lens you are using?

and yeah, they are, except for the pearls... god.. they do the complete opposite... I tried to get a shot of them interacting with each other using their whiskers(?) it looks like they are kissing... very unusual... anyone have and ideas as to why?

It is a "bridge" camera so the lense is fixed, but I am thinking about getting a wide angle and a macro lense which attaches onto the end. The standard is a 38-380mm equivelant but i can change the focal length manually (by zooming in/ out), i got that info from this thread: http://www.flickr.com/groups/s5700/discuss...ch=focal+length

I have enjoyed photography for a long time so i decided to invest in a decent camera but i can soon see myself buying a DSLR, such as the Nikon D40 for £225. My birthday is in July so it will give me a good excuse to buy another plus my Mum wont flip at me if i tell her that i have ordered one to come in next week! :lol: :rolleyes:

I have just convinced her to let me have a 4ft tank aswell :hooray: :yahoo:

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