The AquaC Remora Protein Skimmer, Anatomy Lesson for Us Newbs
I was able to get my hands on a used AquaC Remora protein skimmer, and,having never seen or handled one, thought that others might be curious to understand how it works. We all know that our Nano Cubes don't come supplied with a protein skimmer, nor is there one made specifically to fit in our back sumps (yet). So, after a previous poll, AquaC Remora and CPR BakPak came up as the most popular protein skimmers. Let's take a look at the AquaC Remora.
What is a Protein Skimmer, etc
Here is a link to a prior page on this thread ( page 9) trying to summarize protein skimmers, thoughts on decision making on whether or not to use one and a poll on which types are popular here in this forum:
The Remora
In general,with the AquaC Remora, a powerhead head forces water thru a port that creates an air induction spray. Bubbles are formed and various proteins and waste 'adhere' to the bubble secondary to hydrophilic attachments.This column of bubbles works it way upwards to the surface of the skimmer where they are trapped in a cup. The cup is then emptied.
Basic Anatomy
On intial 'examination', the Remora was much larger than I expected and has a homemade type of appearance. It's pretty hefty. The skimmer has:
1) a removable cup/tank to empty skimmate
2) plastic screws to adjust the leveling against the tank and one to adjust the height of the cup for a 'wet' skim or 'dry' skim.
3) a Maxijet 1200 pump; some come with a Rio 800
4) an internal sufrace skimmer (I think this sells separately) which hides the pump but is too large, IMO, for our nano's
The skimmer is large and fits best on the side of the tank.
Although the tubing that comes with the skimmer is tough and durable, I substituted some green Eheim filter tubing to shorten it or the pump would be hitting the LR. In fact, it could be shortened more.
The tank hood has to be left open, and, therefore, skimming is obviously going to be done overnight.
Throw the Switch Igor
When you turn on the skimmer, the pump fills the tank and skimming starts. The pump is not loud at all. The tank fills, aeration starts, and the water cascades out of the side of the Remora back out into the tank. With regards to our nano cubes:
1) it lowers the water level and I had to turn off the powerhead in chamber 1
2) you have to be careful about the depth of the pump when putting in the skimmer so it doesn't hit LR and coral
3) there is some strong water movement near the pump, so, again, needs to keep clear of corals
Within minutes after cranking this baby up, foam starts forming in the cup:
The height of the cup can be adjusted up, for a 'dry' skim or lower for a 'wet' skim. My first try with it I used the lowest level and after about 8 hours overnight, there was about 30-50ccs of greenish turbid fluid in there but nothing as horrible or foul smelling as some of the pix I've seen posted here. At present, it seems more of a PITA than it's worth, but, I have yet to see how this works over the long term. An experiment in progress. SH