24G Nano Cube DX Nano Reef Setup

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In the picture above, you have a feather duster. Nice! :D

As for the polyps, DO NOT THROW THEM OUT!!! I've had 1 set of polyps die on me, and 3 sets live just fine. Strangely, the polyps that died opened up every day..... go figure. After I moved my tanks around and took my orange tip zoanthids out of my small tank and put them in the 55, it took them over a week to open back up, even though I acclimated them slowly. After they finally did open back up, 2 days later I had one of the polyps showing a new head on it.... it had split.

If I were you, I'd put the "damaged" polyps in subdued light... make sure the current runs directly across them for a day or two, then move them to a more moderate current. If the are truly dead, they'll start deteriorating and the colony will shrink. If they're still fighting for a chance, they'll just remain closed.

Give them time and have a little patience. Oh, and stop buying your bloody corals mail order!! ;) Around here I can go to one of two LFSs I know and find just about any corals I want, a lot cheaper than online too. Surely you have some decent local stores in your area, right? Spending 20 minutes in a bag returning home from the store will be a lot less stressful than spending a day in a bag getting jostled around by FedEx. ;) Good luck with those last few.
Chkltcow...thanks for the advice, but, sadly, I have been back multiple times to the SW lfs' near me....not reliable....young inexperienced salespeople that couldn't answer questions....tanks not looking tidy...poor stock. There is one more I am going to check out that is a bit of a drive for me. It's amazing at some of the great posts I see here about the frags/help people get AND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE COUNTRY....it just is not there in the few lfs's I've gone to. The search continues.

That polyp frag was looking pretty bad the other day. So far...my tank inhabitants do not look stressed so, I've moved the frag towards the back and maybe something will pop up.On the other hand, the orange polyps are open this morning and look well.

The brain coral went into my tank last night, looks stressed, but, I think I can see color coming back already. After acclimatising, I did multiple water changes and got it in the tank last night. I'll take pix later. It actually fits well where I put it..tho'..I think it is probably better in the substrate. We'll see. The other corals are just doing great, so, I don't think that Liveaquaria/internet is excluded as an option, especially if you don't have access to certain corals, but, chkltcow is right.....bagging up a coral and beating it to death is NOT the best pathway compared to driving it home straight from a tank. SH
In a place like NY I'd expect more fish stores. There are two around here that I absolutely swear by, and 2 more that everyone else loves but I just haven't had time to visit. My normal LFS is right down the street from my house, owned and run by one guy.... the sole employee. He's been in the aquarium business for 18 years... only job he's ever had. He really knows what he's doing and keeps good stuff in stock. The pictures of the frag tank in the inverts forum are from his shop.

The other is up near where I work. It's family owned and operated... with the woman, her son, her daughter, her husband, and even her mother working there. She knows how to keep fish well and her son really knows his stuff about reef tanks.

Just grab the phone book and look for some little hole in the wall store somewhere that you would barely know it existed :) So far, those have treated me the best.

And it's good to hear about the brain coral coming back. As long as it's not bleached down to a bare skeleton all over, I believe it can regenerate and grow back over any bare spots. SPS corals are fragged by cutting back the flesh a bit to expose some skeleton, and breaking it off at that point. Eventually it just grows right back over that part. Keep us updated on that piece.
Hey Chkltcow, fortunately, the type of lfs you describe I have for FW and that is where I went to get all my answers and stock. Just haven't found the equivalent for SW....but...I do have more searching to do. Although I am in NY..it is NOT NYC where I"m sure they have some good places. I'll keep on looking tho'..supposedly there is one further east of me out on the island.

BTW...that brain does look like it down to the 'barebones' in places. I'll post later. My new polyps are doing VERY WELL tho'. SH
OK.. that coral stank so bad yesterday that it filled up the room with the odor. Would you believe that my nitrates fell to almost 0 today? Go figure. The coral is almost bleached white and I'm not sure how it will fare. You can see one area that has small coverage. Normally I would have put it on the substrate, but I'd have to move the other corals out of the way, so for now..it is on the rock. Now...it is just wait and see.




Famous Mod

Hi...I added one of the more familiar/famous nano cube mods to my tank, Doriftu's surface skimmer which is just half of a cassette tape. I've been using it intermittently to skim off the surface, but, I'm going to keep it for now and see how it does. SH

Well..thought I'd do a water change tonite to add any help to this coral. I went to dust off some LR with a turkey baster and massive amounts of debris came flying off this coral. The tank looked like a snowball ornament. I suctioned out all the large pieces and ran to get one of my NC sponges and put it in chamber one to help catch debris. I wonder if you guys still think it has any chances...I DON'T..LOL...I think this baby was DOA. Here is what it looks like now:


I've sent an email to the seller and I'm curious to see if he will make amends or not. If you guys think there is still a chance, I'll be shocked. BTW, my nitrates haven't climbed (as yet). I present both my trials and tribulations on my main thread...this included.

There is an old Japanese saying, "sarumo kikara chiru". Translated, " even the monkey falls from the tree". Thanks again for eveyone's help. SH
Hi SH.

I would say its a gonner im afraid :/

If you had a very large system i would say its worth continueing in the hopes of saving it; however your system is very small and i am worried it will change the water perameters very quickly in your tank and cause a chain reaction :sad:

I would monitor your peramters very closely... if there is an alarming swing then remove the coral immediately. Corals like this are extremly delicate around the mantle. Should a small part get ripped or the skeleton exposed then axtion must be taken quickly or the entiure coral will die in a very short space of time. I personally feel that the damage was already done before it reached you ( looking at the original photo) and during its transportation to you it deteriorated beyond help :sad:

Dont give up on corals like this though, they are extremly hardy once settled in and make beautiful additions to a reef setup.
Thanks Navarre...agreed. I'm going to pull it when I get home. I got an email from the seller and he is going to work something out for me. All in all...a good example that there will always be risks with ordering corals over the internet. Invertebrates do not always do well as members of the mile high club, er...shipping overnite. Make sure you:

1) Read the fine print
2) Know what your guarantee is
3) Check on the seller's reputation
4) if you use Ebay, check the seller's feedback
5) make sure that someone is available to immediately acclimate (which was the case here)

To date, for me:
1) Liveaquaria, 3/4 corals survived, one I was credited for and I will use them again
2) Ebay, 2/3 survived, the loss was the primary coral I wanted, seller agrees to make good and further purchase will depend on what the final outcome will be.

Sorry to hear about the coral. It is disappointing to lose livestock, I hope that the seller does indeed make things right with you. Keep us updated on that.

I have been reading about how to make the casette skimmer. I am finding it hard to make -_- . Is there any step-by-step pictures you used to make yours?

Darrell....all I did was place it in the tank against the grate...the force of the inward flow of water holds it in place for me. Some people are measuring the size of the grate, and epoxying together pieces of plexiglass to form a rectangle, then drilling the top to create notches. That's it. I can find you a thread on making them if you want. SH
Emergency Nano Cube Protocol (or please oh please don't crash)


What do you with your NanoCcube if you experience a disaster? We all know too well that an ammonia or nitrate spike can cause your tank to crash and burn. Things to consider:

--what is the size of the bioload that caused contamination?
--is the inciting factor reversible or, lets say , retrievable?
--do I have the necessary tools and additives available if something occurs that threatens my tank?

In my situation, I had a desirable coral with questionable viability, then rapdily became nonviable. Here are some steps you can take:

1) Consider temporarily placing a sponge in the first chamber (if you aren't using one) to catch any loose debris
2) Remove the offending coral/fish/invert
3) Have a gravel vac ready and vacuum out any large pieces of detritus. A turkey baster works well.
4) Do a water change
5) Increase your frequency of parameter testing and watch for ammonia/nitrite/nitrate spikes. Repeat water changes as necessary
6) Check alkalinity...this may fall with an increase in DSO's. You can buffer your topoff water using bicarb or pay the extra $$ for marine buffer.
7) Consider using additive media such as PhosBan, Purigen, ChemiPure, PhosGuard, SeaGel...go for the added protection (assuming it works)
8 ) Swap out the sponge frequently to get the debris out of the tank and reduce the volume that could become nitrate. I cut mine in half and rotated them.
9) if an algae bloom occurs in response to the insult to the tank, you can try and reduce your lighting interval.
10) Gulp...uh...skim (don't throw wet towels at me)
11) At the worst, you could move your livestock to a different tank if you have the resources (? or lfs)

FYI...since the death of this coral, my params today were:
pH 8.1, down
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 10, up
phosphate 0
dkH 8
s.g. 1.025
Hope this helps anyone new to this. SH

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