240ltr and 150ltr builds

It looks amazing!! Really like it! I know you are nit completely done with it but it still looks really nice
Thanks, im really happy with it, I think it looks way better than my older tall tank.
Its ready for a trim i think, have just bought a light for my daughters tank (she wants to be like daddy so we got a cheap 60ltr) so will wait for that to arrive before trimming and adding some plants for her.

I think i need to do something with the front left corner, everything seems to end up here, not sure if a hole in the spray bar above it pointing downward would do it (but that would then be going against the flow) or maybe another hole at the end to try and get more flow. By about mid week theres a ok collection of poop there and i only do water changes once a week. Might start up another thread for opinions on that one.

So I was doing a water change and found this little guy. Total surprise as my venuzalian Cory's are only about 4 months old I think. Anyway it's awesome so will be holding back on some of the vacuuming next time to make sure he's ok and see if there are more.


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Ramshorn snail shell looks really shinny here
Was starting to get a bit of hair algae so have dropped the light time back by an hour to see if that helps. The new crypts have also arrived and been planted. Will get a new photo up soon.
Crypts are in. Time to sit back and dial the light times in. Almost needs another trim
Looks absolutely incredible! The planting is so dense its unreal, huge achievement!

WOW! It does! It looks incredible!! Amazing job Brendon!!
Thanks everyone, its got to the point where im now selling the plant clippings instead of replanting them so its finally starting to help pay for itself lol.
So I was doing a water change and found this little guy. Total surprise as my venuzalian Cory's are only about 4 months old I think. Anyway it's awesome so will be holding back on some of the vacuuming next time to make sure he's ok and see if there are more.
Looks like a peppered cory (paleatus).
Maybe came in with the plants?
Gave it another trim as the Water Wysteria was starting to take over. Also going to get some Seachem florish and see if it helps the java ferns and anubius as i think they may be a bit low on Iron or something.

Also dropped the lighting back another 30 mins.



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Fighting with some string algae, have dropped the lights back by another 30 mins. Also reducing feeding a little as it looks like some food was sitting in the string algae. Time for another trim. The extra Crypts look to have established themselves ok with no major crypt dieback, the original one has now started changing colour to a darker colour which gives another tone to the tank.

Wow! Looking amazing!

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