22 Litre Nano Tank Surprise For 21St!

Finally installed the carpet 

I'm really pleased with how it looks! If any of you have any constructive criticism that'd be great - I'm here to learn! I've read online that Hemianthus callitrichoides is known to go yellow and die easily - anybody got any tips or tricks to prevent this?
Looks lovely! I really do love this tank! You have a really nice mix of plants.

I don't have a betta but apparently whether or not they can be kept with shrimp is a matter of both opinion and the personality of the individual betta. I just wondered whether you were giving it a go.
Flubberlump said:
Looks lovely! I really do love this tank! You have a really nice mix of plants.

I don't have a betta but apparently whether or not they can be kept with shrimp is a matter of both opinion and the personality of the individual betta. I just wondered whether you were giving it a go.
Why thank you! 
I'm not sure how friendly Idris actually is - he seems very attentive (coming to the front of the tank when you look in) so maybe he is a bit too wired to put other fish in, I'm not sure 
Planted Carpet: Day 5 
I can't believe how much Hemianthus callitrichoides growth there has been in only 5 days of being planted! My parents are so pleased that they're considering allowing me to upgrade one of my older 60 litre cory tanks to a 130 litre AquaNano (a larger version of this one!). So fingers crossed if i have enough money I'll have a new project over the summer holidays!

With the lights low
With the lights high
Idris seems to like the change 

There has also been lots of Alternanthera and S. repens growth and the red foliage seems to have been maintained! Yippee!
  My java ferns have also got plant lets coming out of mature leaves which is promising, hopefully i'll be able to attach them to to boxwood and stock up my other tank too!
Planted Carpet: Day 6 - PEARLING 
I've never had pearling in any of my tanks before (not that I've noticed anyway) so when I woke up this morning I was so happy to see lots of little O2 bubbles perturbing from the H.callitrichoides leaves! I had reservations on the abilities of liquid CO2 but after seeing this I'm so glad I gave it a go!
Do any of you use liquid CO2 and if so what do you use and how much do you dose? Also do any of you know of good fertilisers with iron for maintaining red foliage? 
Cheers and I hope ya'll have a good day! 
Planted Carpet: Day 8 
 The L.repens is getting really tall now, Idris seems to like flopping on the top leaves! The central bit of H.callitrichoides ​doesn't seem to be rooting whilst it is everywhere else! I have to push it back down every morning! Frustrating doesn't even cut it!
HarpyFishLover said:
That is a beautiful tank! Good job!
Cheers!! It's taken off faster than I thought it would! 

Flubberlump said:
Looks really nice. That photo really shows of Idris' tail.
Thanks, it's annoying he was in the shadows so you guys could see his pretty colours too! 

Having a bit of an issue with algae now and I don't know what to do 
I don't think I could get any type of algae eater as I'm not sure how friendly Idris is - any of you know any good methods for removing algae?
Cheers again 
You're right about not getting an algae eater. 1) Idris may not like them. 2) the only fish that could really fit in that tank would be otocinclus, which need to be in a shoal and you have limited space - as well as a limited food source in that tank 3) once the algae is gone - otos eat more than you would think - you would need to supplement their diet, and in my experience not all otos take well to prepared food. I have otos but the tank is big enough for there to be enough algae for them. I'm not overrun with it though.

Manual removal of algae, although tedious, is the best way of getting rid of it until you can correct the cause. Don't try the algae removal stuff you can buy. Although it may get rid of what's there already, it won't stop it growing back as the cause of it will be present. It's usually caused by a nutrient imbalance. What do you feed Idris and your plants, and what lighting do you have? I did have an algae problem recently, which was because I ran out of co2. I use pressurised co2 and the tank went without it for a few months. It meant that the plants were getting too much light and nutrients for the amount of co2 they were getting. The plants suffered after a while and loads of algae grew. It took a month or so to get rid of it once I got hold of some co2 but it's down to a normal level now, the plants are much better, but there is still enough algae for the otos. Many people will tell you that a bit of algae is a sign of a healthy tank. I'll see if I have a photo of the tank without co2 and and one of it now.

Sorry for the lengthy post. If we can figure out the cause, we can correct it and the tank should sort the algae out itself. In the meantime, here's a photo of one of my otos. This one is very greedy! You can see what I mean about them eating more than you would think. I have read that a fat oto is a happy oto :) it's a good job really.

Flubberlump said:
You're right about not getting an algae eater. 1) Idris may not like them. 2) the only fish that could really fit in that tank would be otocinclus, which need to be in a shoal and you have limited space - as well as a limited food source in that tank 3) once the algae is gone - otos eat more than you would think - you would need to supplement their diet, and in my experience not all otos take well to prepared food. I have otos but the tank is big enough for there to be enough algae for them. I'm not overrun with it though.

Manual removal of algae, although tedious, is the best way of getting rid of it until you can correct the cause. Don't try the algae removal stuff you can buy. Although it may get rid of what's there already, it won't stop it growing back as the cause of it will be present. It's usually caused by a nutrient imbalance. What do you feed Idris and your plants, and what lighting do you have? I did have an algae problem recently, which was because I ran out of co2. I use pressurised co2 and the tank went without it for a few months. It meant that the plants were getting too much light and nutrients for the amount of co2 they were getting. The plants suffered after a while and loads of algae grew. It took a month or so to get rid of it once I got hold of some co2 but it's down to a normal level now, the plants are much better, but there is still enough algae for the otos. Many people will tell you that a bit of algae is a sign of a healthy tank. I'll see if I have a photo of the tank without co2 and and one of it now.

Sorry for the lengthy post. If we can figure out the cause, we can correct it and the tank should sort the algae out itself. In the meantime, here's a photo of one of my otos. This one is very greedy! You can see what I mean about them eating more than you would think. I have read that a fat oto is a happy oto
it's a good job really.

Hi Flubberlump, thank you for such an in-depth response!! 
Otos are lovely little fish it is a shame that I don't have enough room for them (and that they're fussy eaters!). Yours is extremely cute, I love their little faces and tubby bellies!

The lighting I currently have is the Aqua One 7.2w high output clip on LED lighting system for the AquaNano 30 (The light that came with the tank). As I am currently studying at university (home for my easter break) my parents control the lighting system, which can be a pain in the arse. Sometimes they'll turn it on at 8 and not turn the light off till like 10pm! Maybe thats the issue? I feed Idris TetraMin fish flakes and although I'm quite careful with not over feeding him, my parents may not be that reliable - I'm not sure! 

Another issue with being in Uni is that my parents don't dose any CO2 because they're scared of messing up, no matter how many times i've shown them how simple it is! So the tank only gets liquid CO2 when I'm home on break! 

Thanks for the help! 


I'm no expert on lights I'm afraid. I've had a look online to try to find the output of those lights but I can't find anything, although I would hazard a guess that they must be fairly high output (as they are described) because your red plants are staying red.

It sounds like part of the problem could be inconsistency with the lights etc. With regards to the light timings, why don't you try plugging them into a timer? That way your parents won't have to be turning them on and off so it saves them a job ( ;) ) and the plants will have a stable photoperiod. You just set the timer for the lights to come on and off at set times. The recommended photoperiod for planted tanks is generally about 8 hours. Many people tailor this to their own daily routine. My lights come on at 2pm and go off at 10.30pm so I can see the tank before lights out after I get home from work. Timers are really easy to use. That would be one less thing to worry about. Algae can spread like wildfire given too much light.

You can get automatic feeders too but I can't imagine there will be any that dispense the tiny amount of food that Idris needs. There's not really much to be done about the carbon either really.

Maybe, seeing as the tank has been set up for a while now (about 2 1/2 months?) and is doing so well otherwise, with the plants looking great, maybe you should try the timer for the lights first, and see how it goes from there? Do you add any plant food? Either liquid or root tablets? Sorry if you've already said and I missed it.
Hey Flubberlump,
Thank you for your reply and sorry for my lack of activity - I went back to uni to finish my dissertation and that all I could concentrate on till I handed it in yesterday! I don't use root tabs or plant food and I don't have any special fert soil or anything like that - its just regular black pets at home soil! It must be the over feeding. When I get home from uni in June I'll be able to remove all the algae and sort feeding, my parents will be off the job!! 
I love your idea of a light timer, I hadn't thought of that!!

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