2024 NFL Discussion

Still deciding on a rib eye or wings, with corn on the cob for Sunday. Now comes the question of one or the other or both. If I go both I'll skip the baked tater I'd have with the rib eye. I mean the inside of the tater is white and the ice cream I'll be having is white..... Same thing, right? ;) :good:
Both are white carbs & by the time I put butter &/or sour cream on the potato the fat content is probably close to ice cream, lol.
Your frozen banana & chocolate is like a diet banana split without ice cream.
Your frozen banana & chocolate is like a diet banana split without ice cream.
Ya sort of as to the banana split but a lot different in texture. In a normal banana split the banana is soft, not frozen... It is just different. While not totally the same just try slicing a banana and freeze. Put some chocolate syrup in a bowl and dip in the frozen banana slices. Won't be exactly the same but close enough to give a good idea. ;) I don't really know how to describe how it is so different, just is. ;) Freezing the banana does something to the sugars, don't know what, but I LOVE! :)

I guess it is sort of like making banana bread... Nice and pretty yellow bananas do not make for a good bread. For good bread the banana skin has to be mostly black as this is when the sugars have developed. Freezing the banana has a similar affect on the sugars; not exactly the same but sort of close.

Sigh, can't do a good job as to describing but a frozen banana and chocolate is just better than a not-frozen banana and chocolate. You would just have to try to understand.
I often freeze over-ripe bananas to "save up" for banana bread. But a couple times I've noticed an unpleasant boozy smell. I don't know if it ferments or something...or if the smell cooks off. I've just thrown it out :(
I often freeze over-ripe bananas to "save up" for banana bread. But a couple times I've noticed an unpleasant boozy smell. I don't know if it ferments or something...or if the smell cooks off. I've just thrown it out :(
The only banana I would eat is a banana daiquiri🍹. Being diabetic, I have to avoid bananas.
Have you ever tried to buy sports team-licensed items from the NFL or fanatics web sites? The NFL and teams make a ton of money off that memorabilia, which goes back from the fans to the teams.
Fan Gear is made before the playoff games for both teams; same with MLB. The jerseys and such from the losing teams are donated as clothes to third world countries.

Actually the MLB gear is a lot more expensive than that of the NFL.
Fan Gear is made before the playoff games for both teams; same with MLB. The jerseys and such from the losing teams are donated as clothes to third world countries.

Actually the MLB gear is a lot more expensive than that of the NFL.
The NFL shop and fanatics always have the gear for sale, and a jersey is $129, an in-demand hat is $50.
I saw they were donating the losing Super Bowl team's merchandise to charity but not all other teams merchandise. That is really what I was referring to. At least they donate losing Super Bowl merchandise.
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The NFL shop and fanatics always have the gear for sale, and a jersey is $129, an in-demand hat is $50.
I saw they were donating the losing Super Bowl team's merchandise to charity but not all other teams merchandise. That is really what I was referring to. At least they donate losing Super Bowl merchandise.

Yep as to the Super Bowl but they also do for divisional games. Since they do divisional games I would have to assume that also do for the conference championship.

The stuff, both NFL and MLB, IS pretty expensive but the MLB is more so. I have a plain Cleveland Nike t-shirt with nothing but the team name in script for Cleveland and it cost me more than my Browns hoodie with my name on the back.
I often freeze over-ripe bananas to "save up" for banana bread. But a couple times I've noticed an unpleasant boozy smell. I don't know if it ferments or something...or if the smell cooks off. I've just thrown it out :(
Hmmm, Odd about the smell. Bananas, when the skin has turned mostly black, is best for banana bread as the starches have transformed into sugars. Mayhaps the fermentation smell you experience is exactly that as sugars are essential in fermentation.

@Fishfunn : Actually both the NFL and MLB used to destroy the losing playoff team's fan gear. The NFL started donating to charity in1997. MLB took a lot longer to grow a brain cell as they just started donating losing team's fan gear recently; possibly as recent as 2-3 years ago. I did find an article that stated 2 years ago but there were no actual dates included and I'm not in the mood to seriously research; soooo ..... Still, I think that 2-3 years is probably close just due to my wondering what happened to such fan gear 3-4 years ago. I searched a bit. At the time I searched about this the MLB was still destroying such gear.
We each have an Eagles T-shirt & a jersey. 1 was a gift from me, maybe before we got married 47 years ago. It doesn't really fit either of us anymore & is rather beaten up. The other is from a QB's rookie year, so really cheap, lol, but he ended up at the Superbowl (he was puking on the sideline & we lost). Husband also has 2 windbreaker jackets from his dad.

I won't shell out for "champion" gear, win or lose. We have a friend that has many "official" gear items including cheesesteak socks, Eagle shoes, etc. He even has stuff from when he was a kid that now fit his daughter at various ages :cool: I miss our Eagle bar buddies, but we all watch at home now. We usually have a yearly bar meet up but not everyone comes :(

I like that the loser's gear goes to charities of any kind. To destroy it seems an obscene extreme waste to me.
For preSuperbowl dinner, I'm having a store bought Steak Bomb with mushrooms, peppers, onions, cheese, and fresh tomatoes. Good for quick energy.
For dessert, I'm baking a blueberry cake topped with cookies and cream ice cream. Also have a big box of Goobers chocolate/peanut candy. I need all the energy I can get for the Big Game.
Due to a snow storm this morning, I will be watching it alone...fine with me..then I can totally concentrate on the game.

So what are you doing for SuperBowl? What's on your menu?
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And for halftime, I will be making a smoothie made with strawberries, banana, blueberries, pineapple, and cranberry juice. Should give a huge energy boost to get ready for the third quarter.
@Fishmanic , I'll also be watching alone. Not due to weather or anything, just the way I prefer. I've done the SB party thing and ended up missing half the game although I DID figure out how to make a warming tray without having one. This is simple and, if I do say so myself, bordering on genius. ;) Just use a crock pot as the warming tray. Fill the pot with water and heat. Twist up four pieces of foil and drape over the edges of the pot. Put a sheet pan on the foil. The foil is very much needed. If you just put the baking sheet pan directly on the crock pot the steam can't escape and the 'tray' will sort of float around.

I probably won't actually eat until after the game. I normally eat later in the evening anyway and I'm 2 hours earlier than you. Game time here is 4:30. When I do get around to eating I'm having a rib eye steak, baked tater and fire roasted sweet corn. I was going to have corn on the cob but my store was out. There will be sauteed red onions and shrooms on both the steak and tater with the tater also having sour cream and butter. Desert, if I bother, will be vanilla bean ice cream with sliced strawberries and bananas with chocolate syrup over top. For the ice cream thing I REALLY need to remember to get some raspberry preserves. That way I can have chocolate syrup on half and the preserves on half. Basically would be like a banana split. ;)

Ya know... Normal people would not think of this but apple sauce is also really good on vanilla ice cream. Actually I also like apple sauce on mac and cheese. I know, sounds weird but a nice slice of cheddar cheese on apple pie is pretty popular in different regions. Apple sauce on mac and cheese is basically the same thing in reverse. ;)


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