2024 NFL Discussion

Still deciding on a rib eye or wings, with corn on the cob for Sunday. Now comes the question of one or the other or both. If I go both I'll skip the baked tater I'd have with the rib eye. I mean the inside of the tater is white and the ice cream I'll be having is white..... Same thing, right? ;) :good:
Both are white carbs & by the time I put butter &/or sour cream on the potato the fat content is probably close to ice cream, lol.
Your frozen banana & chocolate is like a diet banana split without ice cream.
Your frozen banana & chocolate is like a diet banana split without ice cream.
Ya sort of as to the banana split but a lot different in texture. In a normal banana split the banana is soft, not frozen... It is just different. While not totally the same just try slicing a banana and freeze. Put some chocolate syrup in a bowl and dip in the frozen banana slices. Won't be exactly the same but close enough to give a good idea. ;) I don't really know how to describe how it is so different, just is. ;) Freezing the banana does something to the sugars, don't know what, but I LOVE! :)

I guess it is sort of like making banana bread... Nice and pretty yellow bananas do not make for a good bread. For good bread the banana skin has to be mostly black as this is when the sugars have developed. Freezing the banana has a similar affect on the sugars; not exactly the same but sort of close.

Sigh, can't do a good job as to describing but a frozen banana and chocolate is just better than a not-frozen banana and chocolate. You would just have to try to understand.

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