200 Litre Tank Upstairs?


New Member
Sep 9, 2012
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I'm completely new to the hobby, have been learning everything for the past few months from fishless cycling to beginners aquascaping.

Due to move house in February so unfortunately will have to wait until then until I can put planning into practice but this will give me a good chance to learn as much as possible first.

I have decided on a Fluval Roma 200 litre aquarium however have just suddenly realised....

Can I have this aquarium in an upstairs house? Would this be safe?

I cant imagine it would weigh more than furniture etc but I'm unsure now?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

It should be fine I have my 350l and 180l upstairs
Thanks blackops

I'm thinking it can't be any worse weight-wise than heavy furniture. And i don't really want to go any smaller than 200 litres.
Try to make sure it is resting on as many floorboards as possible. If that makes sense.
I have a 200l upstairs with no problems, you might want to do some research into what kind of floor you have etc. It also helps to put the tank in the corner of the room near structural walls.
Thanks guys

Thanks Tuxyu3.

I've also had a look on web and they say the same thing.
I've decided to put it in the corner in the inside wall which I thought would be best. The house is a four-in-a-block with me upstair left side if that makes sense.
yes thats ok as long as it goes across the joists. im sure that be fine but not sure anything over 75gallons would work it feels a bit risky but anything below 75g i would trust.
Thanks a lot for all your help guys.

I really appreciate it.
I have my fluval osaka 155 upstairs and thats fine, also have a fluval roma 90 in the same room so thats 245L/ 54g (ish) of water and its been there for 10 months now and all is fine so far. As said try to place it over a few joists or near a structural wall if not both, I would also recomend pulling back the carpet if possible and checking out the floorboard conditions first to avoid any chance of placing it on damaged or weak boards ....another thing you could do which i did was to line the rooms floor in thin mdf or ply board to remove the possibility of floorboards moving when you walk across them and rocking your tank.... it's a bit of a big job over something so small as a rocking tank but with mine being open topped i thought it was worth the precautions.

to answer your question ....200 litres = 43.9938 imperial gallon. or 52.8344 us gallon.... so say 44 gallon imperial :).....

hope i helped and good luck in getting the tank up the stairs... i was so excited when i got my 155 i carried it up 40 steps on my own,,
,,big heavy mistake lol

*ps water changes are a nightmare if you dont have an upstairs water source* ;)
nobody can answer this with the little info you have provided,

impossible to answer, there are too many factors that come into play here,

the size of the floor joists, the position of the tank relative to floor joists and structural walls, construction of the floor, etc etc,

going by the info you have provided i would say there is a 50/50 chance the floor will support your tank, does that make you feel safe?
I've had a 200ltr upstairs no problem. I'd advise as others have done and check out what your floorboards are like first though. Another thing you could do is sit the tank on top of a piece of plywood the same size as your tank stand (underneath carpet), this will help spread the weight of the tank more.
Unless your house is in a very poor condition, you should be safe with anything up to 240l upstairs, but the only way to be totally, 100% sure is to have a structural engineer take a look.

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