First thing is that it is possible to supplement/supply the nutrients. I have zero GH/KH and a pH that is below 5 in some tanks, in the 5's in others. I used to use Equilibrium to raise the GH to 4 or 5 dGH. The plant sources generally say 4 dGH is as low as you want. Then I had an issue in one of my tanks with the fish, and a marine biologist asked me point blank why I was using Equilbirum, and did I not realize what it could do to fish? I discontinued Equilibrium, but started using Flourish Tabs every alternate month. That was four or five years ago, and to date I have had no calcium deficiencies like I had before any of this. So, the tabs with one dose of Flourish Comprehensive Supplement provides the hard minerals along with the trace.
Second thing is the plant species. I have mentioned in other threads that I stay with plants that can manage with what I provide in terms of light and nutrients. I cannot grow fast growing lower plants or red leaf plants. But I can grow healthy swords, like in the photo below. This photo was taken last week, and I put one Flourish Tab next to each of the sword plants, replaced every three months now. Plus one weekly dose of the liquid. My camera is on its last legs, but you can see the situation nevertheless.