2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

well when i went to petsmart last night they sell dechlorinator and water conditioner? how are they the same, but that is good to know that they are so i know im not short on anything needed...im excited to go change his water :)
i do have 1 small problem...im unsure how i'm going to add the water to the tank :(
i dont have a 'clean' bucket that hasnt been used with some type of house hold chemical in it for household cleaning purposes ...the only thing i can do is fill a huge pot up with tap water and put it in the tank or use my mother in laws hose thing that attaches to a waterhose and puts water in and takes water out that way, however its been used on mississippi map turtles habitat and still gets used on them

i have the gravel vacuum i can use tht i just purchased at petsmart. but it only takes the water out and like i said i can put water in a pot and add it to the tank that way and put in the water conditioner

ok i'm going to go ahead and use the gravel vacuum and start right there i'll chceck this thread when i finished sucking all te water and debris out the tank :) wish me luck

Give us the make of the water conditioner and we'll be able to advise.
If the buckets have had household cleaning products in them then with a good clean out(with just boiling water) they should be OK depending what type of cleaning products have been used?

Also, can you test your tap water for PH, Nitrate, Nitrite and Ammonia? Your PH may be naturally high. And can you post pictures of the tests when they have revealed the results so we can all help you analyse them please?
ok i tested again wwitout doing anoter water change...i will eventually do one later today hopefully.... here are test results ammoinia .50-1.0 nitrite 0 nitrate 0 ph 7.6 ph high range 8.0......... sorry i didnt see your post til i already did the test...howe ever next time i'll take pics of the test and my water conditioner is made by Top Fin sold at walmart and petsmart on the bottle it says top fin betta water conditioner helps ammonia, chlorine and chloramine or however that last word is spelled....dont have bottle infront me....and i did add 20ml of water conditioner last night

also i gave him dried bloodworms this morning and an hour later started digging around the top of the tank and had to remove all the food i put in, so he's still not eating but i dont understand how he is staying alive this long without eating any more suggestions

can someone post a pic describing the body parts of the vt male betta so i can describe exactly where he has a white round circle at thanks
that ammonia reading is really high, i reccomend a massive water change ASAP
still havent done the water change but i absolutely will do it tomorrow..... how much of a water change do i need? .....i broke down and bought some prime and added 1ml to my ten gallon tank and 2 hours later did a ammonia test and its still 1.0.......... however the ammonia level coming out of my faucet is that high too... i also read a book named how to care for your betta fish like an expert by david chipperfield i learned a few things however i'll end up reading that book again. from reading it i dont think it would hurt to soak my betta 5 minutes in a 1 gallon bowl with a tablespoon of epsom salt ......he's still not eating anythin....however i havent tried frozen or live blood worms or brine shrimp yet .......and in the book it states the tropical flake food just doesnt cut it for his nutritional needs..... and i know i need to eventually invest in some real plants.... ok i'll check back tomorrow morning please let me know how much of a water change i need
Oh wow... If your Ammonia in the tap is at 1.0ppm then you're gonna need help to be able to keep the fish really as every water change you are adding ammonia to the tank :/
I don't know if you'd be better doing a water change or leaving it for now and just adding prime and hoping that it works... I never get that because my betta's have always been fed on flake or pellet food with live bloodworm twice a week and not had any problems with that...
ok the 10 gallon tank has gone back. there's a financial reason for that. he's back in his 1 gallon bowl. he has been taken to petsmart to be checked on bc he got to a point that he was staying only on the bottom of tank. petsmart sad he has ich and I got have ich medicine made by api I no longer have the master api test kit, I had to sell that unfortunately. I am at a different location and am unsure of the ammonia level in the tap water here. but thought i'd update all this information and my water conditioner to the poster whom asked is top fin betta water conditioner its exactly what the bottle says thanks you guys for helping me....btw petsmart said to only feed him once per week :S
ok the 10 gallon tank has gone back. there's a financial reason for that. he's back in his 1 gallon bowl. he has been taken to petsmart to be checked on bc he got to a point that he was staying only on the bottom of tank. petsmart sad he has ich and I got have ich medicine made by api I no longer have the master api test kit, I had to sell that unfortunately. I am at a different location and am unsure of the ammonia level in the tap water here. but thought i'd update all this information and my water conditioner to the poster whom asked is top fin betta water conditioner its exactly what the bottle says thanks you guys for helping me....btw petsmart said to only feed him once per week
To the red - What?!?! Feed him once a day as much as he'll eat in 1 minute.

And 1 gallon really isn't enough for him :( I'd suggest either take him back or get him at 5 gallon at least with a filter and heater... Also, to petsmart saying he has Ich, is he covered in white spots?
no he isn't covered in white spots but I've seen about 4 smallll white spots around his gills , face whatever and I am trying to donate him to a petsmart if possible I cant upgrade tanks I had to take the 10 gallon tank back for reasons.... he had a filter and heater and I no longer have those either but I myself am in a bad spot so like I said im donating him asap :) thanks everyone
no he isn't covered in white spots but I've seen about 4 smallll white spots around his gills , face whatever and I am trying to donate him to a petsmart if possible I cant upgrade tanks I had to take the 10 gallon tank back for reasons.... he had a filter and heater and I no longer have those either but I myself am in a bad spot so like I said im donating him asap
thanks everyone

As long as he's not in the 1 gallon too long and as long as you are doing daily water changes to keep the Ammonia down... If you have seen white spots on his face/gills then it sounds like he does have white spot.
I think my betta is dying :'( he's losing color turning white and losing his fins as well he literally lays on bottom of tank and I seen him float to top once i'll try to upload photos please somebody tell me he can be saved....unfortunately I cant share the link to my photobucket where the pic of him is at


I don't know how to upload pics I hope everyone can open that link and see the pics

ok im crying over my betta he just died

nvm he just died :'(
sorry to hear that :( i assume you couldnt rehome him then? the link wont open so cant see the picture,
no I couldn't rehouse him unfortunately :( I will not be getting any more fish any time soon bc of what happened :'(
what i'd like to know is what caused him to lose 75% of his color in 2 days and almost all his fins were gone and since i'm not familiar with fish is it possible the color he was losing was scales being lost? and I just looked up on google bettas that had ich and I really don't think zeek had ich afterall. is it possible the ich medicine did this to him?

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