2 Neon Tetras Found Dead This Morning

well what im going to do is take the tetras and algae eaters back and then work on just having my betta and cleaning tank until the tank is where it needs to be to be adding fish....

That's a good idea, less fish will be poisoned whilst your tank is cycling.

If you need any further help, just post on here, you'll get the best advice from these guys :good:.
im going to attempt to get an api ammonia test kit as well
Any ammonia test will do; just don't be persuaded to get the paper strip type; they're very inaccurate, and many don't include an ammonia test at all!

Try and get one for nitrite as well, as that will be the next thing to spike :good:
i'm taing the tetras and algae eaters back. now my bettafish forum suggested after i do this to do a water change and get a nitrate test kit.....if thats all i can afford and it is so now i'll only get that test kit the liqid one
You really don't need to worry about nitrate at the moment; ammonia and nitrite are far, [i[]far[/i] more important.

Nitrate only causes harm at very high levels, and you'll probably be doing so many water changes to keep the ammonia/nitrite down, the nitrate won't have a chance to build up to a dangerous levels.
i have the ammonia paper strip test strip and several days ago i tested it and it was in between stressed and danger
Well, considering how inaccurate those strip are, then that's very dangerous. Any time you see any reading, however small, for ammonia or nitrite, you'll need to be doing a very large water change.

You'll need to test, preferably for both ammonia and nitrite every day.
im becoming confused bc i'm between 3 different forums right now and getting totally different options
I can assure that the advice you're being given here is 100% correct ;)
well after i take the tetras and algae eaters back i'll do a 100% and using a gravel vacuum ....once i've finished that and put betta back in his tank then whats my next step? i dont want to have to change water frequently unless its an absolute must
i dont want to have to change water frequently unless its an absolute must

Is there any possibility that the betta can be rehomed or returned to the LFS so that you can do a fishless cycle using neat ammonia?
You don't need to do 100% changes removing the fish, that's not the best way to go about things. Catching your fish twice will be far, fa more stressful for him than leaving him in the tank..

I'm afraid there is no short cut to cycling a tank, unless you can get hold of some already cycled media from an established tank.

In fish in cycles, large, regular water changes are an absolute must.
i dont want to have to change water frequently unless its an absolute must

Is there any possibility that the betta can be rehomed or returned to the LFS so that you can do a fishless cycle using neat ammonia?

no way he cant be returned or rehomed i got him from walmart and im keeping him ....he is the reason for me picking up this new 'intererst' 'hobby'.....he has a 1 gallon bowl i can put him in if i need to and it has a top with led lights
No, leave him in the bigger tank; it'll take longer for the ammonia/nitrite to build up in a larger volume of water.

Just keep up the testing and water changing and you should be able to get through this.
Here is how I do water changes.

I turn off my heater and filter, I start siphoning the gravel until the desired amount of water is removed. In your case, remove water until you have left just enough water for your fish to swim, let's say the height of his body plus 1 inch or so. Then, fill your bucket with clean dechlorinated water (try to temperature match it, you can use your tank thermometer) and add it back in until you have filled it all the way up again. Then restart your filter and heater.

Yes, in the beginning, fish don't like this and will swim around frantic and hide... but they do get used to it and it becomes less of a deal. My guppies, for example, follow my siphon around and make it a pain.

this is the solution i will be using....as well as using my gravel vacuum thank you all for your help

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