2 Female Bettas?


New Member
Dec 9, 2008
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Somewhere in the U.S.
I am a college student and I love fish. I never had a betta fish before but I finally got one female betta 2 weeks ago. Some of my friends have bettas, and while visiting them it seems that their betta's are very aggressive when you touch the glass. I tried this experiment with my betta and she just backed away without getting defensive. My question is, I feel bad that she has no one to be friends with. Would I be able to upgrade my bowl to a three gallon desk top tank and possibly add an another female to the mix (I heard that female bettas can live in the same tank)? I would like Blueberry (that's her name) to be happy with the presence of another fish. Is this at all possible?
Hi, no its not possible for 2 female bettas to be in the same tank. I personally say that if you want to keep female bettas the minimum is 10 but people on here say 6.

How many litres/gallons does the 'bowl' hold. As you say, the minimum should be 3g but 5g is better. It should have a light filter and constant temperature of 27degrees. So transferring it to a bigger tank would be good! :)

Bettas dont get lonely due to thier aggressive nature. But if you do want to add something, you could try an apple snail, although it should only be added if you have a filter, as they prioduce quite abit of waste,
3g is the minumum for one betta and they need a heater and a fillter is alot better if you dont have a fillter you need to be doing 75% waterchanges daily. if you want to keep more than 1 female you need a 10g tank and you could have 5 and 4 corys. you cant keep 2 females you have to have 1 or 3+ if you have 2 one would just bully the other one.
Hi, no its not possible for 2 female bettas to be in the same tank. I personally say that if you want to keep female bettas the minimum is 10 but people on here say 6.

How many litres/gallons does the 'bowl' hold. As you say, the minimum should be 3g but 5g is better. It should have a light filter and constant temperature of 27degrees. So transferring it to a bigger tank would be good! :)

Bettas dont get lonely due to thier aggressive nature. But if you do want to add something, you could try an apple snail.

my current fish bowl is about 1 gallon.
Hi, no its not possible for 2 female bettas to be in the same tank. I personally say that if you want to keep female bettas the minimum is 10 but people on here say 6.

How many litres/gallons does the 'bowl' hold. As you say, the minimum should be 3g but 5g is better. It should have a light filter and constant temperature of 27degrees. So transferring it to a bigger tank would be good! :)

Bettas dont get lonely due to thier aggressive nature. But if you do want to add something, you could try an apple snail.

my current fish bowl is about 1 gallon.
thats to small they need atlest a 3g at the very min dose it have a fillter and heater?
Hi, no its not possible for 2 female bettas to be in the same tank. I personally say that if you want to keep female bettas the minimum is 10 but people on here say 6.

How many litres/gallons does the 'bowl' hold. As you say, the minimum should be 3g but 5g is better. It should have a light filter and constant temperature of 27degrees. So transferring it to a bigger tank would be good! :)

Bettas dont get lonely due to thier aggressive nature. But if you do want to add something, you could try an apple snail.

my current fish bowl is about 1 gallon.
thats to small they need atlest a 3g at the very min dose it have a fillter and heater?

I have one betta right now and she's living in a bowl with a heater, but no fillter (the bowl is too small). Also, would my fish be stress out if i get another female betta with a divider in a 3 gallon?
if u put 2 bettas in a 3g one would get seriously hurt or killed because the stronger one would bully it.
I have one betta right now and she's living in a bowl with a heater, but no fillter (the bowl is too small). Also, would my fish be stress out if i get another female betta with a divider in a 3 gallon?

Im guessing (hoping) your doing water changes, with dechlorinated water. You need to get a new tank ASAP. 1g is not enough for any fish.

And no as /\ said, you cant divide 3g to have 2 bettas. If Bettas were 'lonely' then you would buy another for them to interact with each other, you wouldn't divide the tank. :huh:

Once you have purchased the 3g, buy a filter and add a apple snail to keep the betta company :)

First you don't have enough room for 2 bettas and second, they may attack each other. I was considering putting four to six female bettas in my 10-gallon, but when I brought home the second betta and held her (inside her cup) up to the glass, my female inside the tank went ballistic flaring and made it clear there was no amout of room available for a second betta. Now she lives with three rasboras and she tolerates them. I think she would have been happier if I kept her by herself. She loves *human* interact and will hover in the water next to where ever I'm sitting and "hang out" with me. My other betta/male in his 3-gallon is the same way.

Be sure to change the water in your betta bowl daily! That is what I'm doing with mine (who is in a 2-gallon heated drum bowl), but seems like he's not feeling too good. When I brought him home from the pet store, he looked a bit sickly, but now he's going down hill fast :( I almost took him back the same day. . .but my son wanted to keep him.

First you don't have enough room for 2 bettas and second, they may attack each other. I was considering putting four to six female bettas in my 10-gallon, but when I brought home the second betta and held her (inside her cup) up to the glass, my female inside the tank went ballistic flaring and made it clear there was no amout of room available for a second betta. Now she lives with three rasboras and she tolerates them. I think she would have been happier if I kept her by herself. She loves *human* interact and will hover in the water next to where ever I'm sitting and "hang out" with me. My other betta/male in his 3-gallon is the same way.

Be sure to change the water in your betta bowl daily! That is what I'm doing with mine (who is in a 2-gallon heated drum bowl), but seems like he's not feeling too good. When I brought him home from the pet store, he looked a bit sickly, but now he's going down hill fast :( I almost took him back the same day. . .but my son wanted to keep him.
no wonder hes ill 2g is well to small 3g is the very min but 5 is alot better.dose it have a heater?

First you don't have enough room for 2 bettas and second, they may attack each other. I was considering putting four to six female bettas in my 10-gallon, but when I brought home the second betta and held her (inside her cup) up to the glass, my female inside the tank went ballistic flaring and made it clear there was no amout of room available for a second betta. Now she lives with three rasboras and she tolerates them. I think she would have been happier if I kept her by herself. She loves *human* interact and will hover in the water next to where ever I'm sitting and "hang out" with me. My other betta/male in his 3-gallon is the same way.

Be sure to change the water in your betta bowl daily! That is what I'm doing with mine (who is in a 2-gallon heated drum bowl), but seems like he's not feeling too good. When I brought him home from the pet store, he looked a bit sickly, but now he's going down hill fast :( I almost took him back the same day. . .but my son wanted to keep him.
no wonder hes ill 2g is well to small 3g is the very min but 5 is alot better.dose it have a heater?
Please do not flame me or I will contact the moderators. This already happened after I posted about my fish and it was clearly stated BY A MOD that many breeders keep their stock in VERY small containers to protect their fins from damage (and they are fine as long as they have clean water) and it was stated that it is NOT acceptable to be critisizing fellow members on this forum. You know what, I'll will report you so I do not have to continue this conversation.

He WAS ill when I brought him home and yes, he has a heater. I'm treating him.
Let's stay on topic please. Karplunk is the OP and it would be better if you would all stick to answering her question, and explaining your answers than straying off to address a situation with another member.

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