2.6Ft Rescaped

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Fish Herder
Mar 14, 2009
Reaction score
I just finished the rescape on this tank, giving it a little while to settle and clear some then i'll add a pic
I decided to use mostly Java fern & Anubias in here (for reasons that will become apparent when its stocked lol). I may yet add some large swords to the tank, will see once it settles and i can get a better look at the layout.
Stay tuned for a pic (and no i am not telling what the stock will be until they are in the tank....)
Cleared enough for a quick pic :)
I love and hate looking at your re-scapes. Love it because they always look fantastic, but hate it because I want to re do my tanks after lol
LOL star4.
Thanks, and a change is as good as a holiday they say.
Dang! Your tank is beautiful 
   and that wood is fantastic!
Re-doing my tank at the moment and just bought a job lot of black sand, after seeing your tank I wish I had gone for white!
 So jealous!
This tank is going through an algae issue.....will be sorting out the DIY CO2 to put on this next week, to help get it under control
That looks brilliant, Alasse, very nice indeed!
Makes mine look amateur at best...
Right, I need to sort mine out now...
So we is having algae issues (which i am about to hit with excel)lol, but other than that its growing in nicely
A RTBS moved in today, such a beautiful fish!

I was just thinking (yeah i know scary thing that). The T5 tubes on this tank must be about due for replacement, more like well overdue. This is prolly not helping with the algae issues. Hmmmmmmm will have to try and get some new tubes me thinks!
Updated pic......slowly beating the algae. It is a battle i'll win lol
Good luck with the algae! And pretty RTBS :3
Algae is slowly coming under control...yay!!
Will grab an updated pic tonight
The updated pic

The RTBS is a biggest wuss since being in here, very shy. Will be interesting to see if he gets bolder once other fish move in
Aww, poor little guy :) Hopefully he comes out more when other fish are introduced.

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