2.6Ft Planted Sunsun Tank

About to give this tank a bit of a substrate clean up, then remound the hills and start the rest of the scape. 
Nope not tonight lol, i have just finished organising the 4ft to be filled in the morning. So this tank has been pushed to tomorrow (yeah i know, but i'm fussy and the other tank took longer than i thought lol)
Updated pic: As the tank is now.....i made a mess pulling and replanting so scuse the bit of cloudiness
Very beautiful! I really like the triangular mass of foliage. Hopefully the carpet will grow and soften the lines of the stones at the front. Gorgeous!
This tank is beautiful! I like the diagonal composition! and those bits of wood sticking out are just lovely. This makes me excited to start a planted community one day!
A few more plants have been added. 
Also added a young pair of platinum gouramis
The tank now

One of the new platinum gouramis
your tank is turning out to be sooo gourgeous! and i just love that gourami! you are so lucky!
Thank you rikkitiger.
The gouramis are just beautiful, i cant wait til the mature, they will be stunners
Stock added: 6 ember tetras (bringing school upto 9) & an oto
Few more pics of the gourami, which i think is male

What a stunning tank, I wouldn't even know where to begin with something like that
Thanks Puffer :)
Tis easy to do....pretty well all the plants in here are low maintenance
I think it's something I may have to look into in the future
Wow beautiful! I love the plants. They look so healthy. I wish I had half the green thumb you do!

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