
The October FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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Go careful at bedtime!!!!

Once got woken by a little one crawling over the cheek (on the face that is). Haven`t slept properly sinse.

Have been told that a spider will sense moisture from a mile away and use your mouth to have a little sip.

Be sure to wipe your mouth before you go to sleep. :lol:
That's a well known urban myth thankfully, but doesn't stop me being paranoid about it :lol:

Nothing on Earth *needs* 8 legs - spiders are the work of the Devil.

CFC - strangely I'm not *as* scared of the average tarantula - once had a Chile Rose bunged in my hand with no warning, and although I was petrified, it was more like a hamster (which funnily I'm also scared of) than a spider. Stiky feet, very strange. However, I don't actually *like* them and would still shudder and avoid at all costs, especially un-naturally large ones like the Salmon Pinks/Goliaths. Bleurgh.
You know where you stand with tarantulas. You're hardly likely to wake up in the middle of the night with a Chilean Rose hanging over your head, are you? :lol: Money spiders, fine. They're no bother, unless there's hundreds of them. Jumping spiders, now *they're* awful. Not only do they scuttle around menacingly, they jump. Which is very bad. And there's those big ones that find in amusing not only to scare you witless, but to climb onto someones shoulder and sit at exactly the point they can't reach...
im with ian on this nothing with more than 6 legs is good and most things with 6 arent great, although trantulas dont bother me as much there bigger and can be captured with a big net or little sister who doesnt mind spiders (thank god) :crazy:

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