
The October FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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Ha ha ha ha ha - the old Black Widow scuttling inside the light decoy trick. They're crafty little buggers - travel around in pairs, making sure you see one of them, meaning that the other one gets to run wild around your house - drinking all your beer before whipping off the cellotape to release Clyde.
lol im english but correct me if im wrong arn't black widows realitivly small spiders? they must be a real pest being deadly and all!
Ha ha ha ha ha - the old Black Widow scuttling inside the light decoy trick. They're crafty little buggers - travel around in pairs, making sure you see one of them, meaning that the other one gets to run wild around your house - drinking all your beer before whipping off the cellotape to release Clyde.

They can reach 1.5 inches including legs. They give me the creeps. Luckily I don't see too many of them.
So sod the "They're more frightened of you" malarkey, it's just not true. I think they know an arachnophobe from 100 yards and decide to torment us. They must die.

Kathy you make me laugh! A couple of years ago when my son was very little I was closing his bedroom curtains ready for him to go to bed when a HUGE wolf spider ran from under his wardrobe and accross and under the cot bed. I screamed in my pathetic phobic voice "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD IT'S A MONSTER ARRRGGGGHHHHHH" and ran out of the room. Needless to say that not only did my toddler point blank refuse to sleep in a room inhabited by monsters and I wouldn't go in there again for a days. Never did find out where it went :unsure:

I wrestled a 3inch diametre spider in my kitchen earlier in the year and whacked it with the barbacue's burger flipper tool. It jumped 6 foot in the air towards me drop kicking with every one of it's 8 legs before it met it's maker. Now I've decided to be all brave so not to pass my phobia on to the kids. I'm proud to say that the last 4 I've found I've used the jam jar and postcard trick and them walked them 50ft to the end of the garden and emptied them over the fence in the neighbours garden. Someone told me recently that if you trap them in a jar and then look at them with a magifying glass it will weaken your fear considerably. :lol: yeah right.
I always put spiders outside! :D No matter how poisonous or big. The biggest spider ive released outside (Huntsman) I had to use a big tuperware container and its lid! And to make things worse, it was on the cieling! LOL

Ive had Redbacks, Dady Longlegs, Huntsmans, and these little jumping ones I dont know, garden spiders, and they all get the express outside! :D I hate flies after all, so the more spiders, the less flies, hopefully! :p
LMAO yeah right! How can making a huge spider look even bigger cure a phobia?! I don't blimmin' think I'll be doing that in a bid to cure me of my fear. :lol: I commend your bravery on the trap and release system of dealing with things, but they DO come back. I have witnessed definitive proof of this with the biggest ever house spider I have ever seen.

One night, a long time ago, when we lived down south, my sister told me to get out of bed and not to look at the wall next to me. So what did I do? I looked. :rolleyes: There was the hugest spider I have ever seen, it was easily 4". My sister was much braver than me and attempted to fit it under a glass to remove it. Of course it was too big, and she had to use a mixing bowl. The spider was very distinctive and was missing a leg. It's size would make it stand out enough. Anyhoo, she took it out to the garden (which was a very long garden) - right up to the back hedge. Technically there, it was closer to the next house than to ours.

Anyway, she came back to bed, and my Mum (because it was so late and we'd disturbed them with our screams of terror) gave us a right knacking about exaggerating things. No amount of persuasion made her believe us about this spider - we were just kids going over the top.

The next night I was awakened by a scream from my parent's room. The spider was back. She didn't doubt me again!
I thought I'd conquered my fear of spiders until a little while ago. Call it paranoia but I'm sure they were out to get me!
I got out of the shower one morning, went to wrap the towel around me and a huge spider bungee jumped from the top of the towel!
The following week I put my black cardigan on to find a big spider sitting on my shoulder. I whipped that cardie off faster than the speed of light then spent 10 mins shaking it to make sure it had gone. I never did find out where the spider went. :crazy:
A few days later just as I was putting some clean undies on a spider ran down my leg! After running around the bedroom, knickers around my knees and acting like a mad woman my partner came to see what was going on. His response was to laugh and then finally track down the spider while I sat on the bed like a lunatic!
Then to top it all a few days later I went out into the garden to put some washing out and walked into a spiders web! Luckily, I don't think Mr. Spider was at home but I still looked like a complete idiot using the nearest bit of washing to wipe my face with and then diving in the shower just to be certain.
The moral of the story is when collecting the washing in off the line I shake everything before I put it in the basket (I realised that the spiders were using this as free transport!) and I am extremely vigilant when stepping outside!
Oh, and my fear of spiders has returned! :lol:
:lol: you lot should come round here, i have to share my fishroom with my mrs 5 tarantulas which includes a specimin of the largest spider in the world the south american golioth bird eating spider, at the size of my hand its half grown and is extreemly aggressive and will even scream at you :crazy: . These days native spiders dont seem scary at all.
ha ha i don't mind spiders too much, if the cats don't get them i have to get rid of them cos Ian's a big wuss :rolleyes: :p
the things have 8 eye`s eight legs fangs, venom, can produce strands of stuff from there ass that weight for weight is stronger than steel...

all they need to do is breathe fire and they could rule the world......

of course i`m bloody scared of them.

Oh and FKNM... just leave the tank selotaped up, and move huse....
the things have 8 eye`s eight legs fangs, venom, can produce strands of stuff from there ass that weight for weight is stronger than steel...

all they need to do is breathe fire and they could rule the world......

of course i`m bloody scared of them.

Oh and FKNM... just leave the tank selotaped up, and move huse....


see that'd be fine if you didn't react like that to teeny little money spiders as well :p
there worse they can crawl through the gaps in clothes..... get into your underwear bite you. set fire to your bum with there fire breath, and then swing to saftey on a gossimer kite....

atleast the big ones you can shoot
there worse they can crawl through the gaps in clothes..... get into your underwear bite you. set fire to your bum with there fire breath, and then swing to saftey on a gossimer kite....

atleast the big ones you can shoot

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

what can i say dear! :lol:
Arachnaphobia (sp) seems to be very widespread. I am absolutely terrified of them!!!!! Last year we stayed in a lodge in Wales (we go to the same lodge nearly every year!) and on the last morning I was straightening the unused bed in my sons room when something caught my eye, pulling back the duvet we saw about 6 large spiders in the bed!! My 21 year old son let out a very girly scream :hyper: and legged it vowing never to return, he'd been sleeping in that room all week alone. (or so he thought!!! :hey: ) Ever since that time I ALWAYS pull back my duvet and check before getting into bed, sad I know!!. I just pity the poor people who stayed in that lodge after us cos I just threw the covers back over them and legged it after my son!!!! :lol:

I often wonder if we would be so scared of them if they were white and fluffy and didn't move so damn fast!!

There's and old saying that spiders are re-incarnated nasty people and the only time that they come out is when they hate being spiders that they want to die, well, I for one grant them that wish!!!!!

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